

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I haven't been all that good with keeping up to date with this thing. I'm sorry for any of you out there that are still keeping up to date with us. Who is out there? Anyone?

Anyways, when I get home I'll have to do a picture update.

Jim's latest at daycare yesterday - was he pulled himself up and was standing in his crib. Apparently he was trying so hard to stand up that his face was bright red. And then when he was standing there for a bit, his teacher called his name and clapped her hands, and Jim started cracking up. What a little goof ball we have.

He still isn't crawling. But that is perfectly fine by be. Because I know as soon as he does he'll be getting into everything.

Monday, October 11, 2010

6 Month Update

I think just with every other update I do - I ask myself the same exact question. How did my little baby get to be so big? And where does the time go?

We sure have been enjoying every minute with Jim! He is wonderful! Such a happy easy-going baby. We definitely lucked out with him.

What Jim is up to:

- Is still in size 2 diapers. We're down to our last couple and will switch to size 3.

- Has started to wear some 9 month clothes.

- Loves to eat! We've started giving him real food, and has liked everything so far! So far we've tried some cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, avocado, and peas.

- His newest thing in the past couple of days is to pull himself up in the Pack 'N Play. It's time to lower that thing down. I think he's going to be our little monkey!

- He is constantly laughing and smiling at us!

- When I weighed him at home the other day, he was 17.5lbs. We'll get a better weight on Friday when we go to the Doctor for his 6 month check-up.

- He can sit up all by himself!

- Still loves to jump away in his jumparoo!

- Does very well at daycare! We always get very good reports from the teachers.

- He has discovered his tongue, and likes to stick it out!

- Still loves to play with his feet!

- Loves to talk to us.