

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Standing & Climbing

Jim is getting closer and closer to walking. Before he would walk with us, but had to be holding on to both hands. He would get so mad if we weren't holding on to both of his hands. But that's slowly gone to just needing to hold on to one hand...And now he'll even walk around when we're just holding onto his shirt. Like I said, it won't be long before he's walking on his own.

The other thing he's discovered in the past week or two is how to climb up the stairs. He keeps us busy! He thinks its the funniest thing, cracking himself up once he gets over to the stairs, and then he starts on going up.

He's also starting to make faces. The faces he makes crack me up. Here are a couple of those faces!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dancing Jim!!

Check out Jim's moves!!!! He just learned to dance, and he cracks us up everytime he does it. And you can see he cracks himself up as well! I love him so much!!!

9 Month Outtake Pictures

It gets harder and harder every month to get good pictures of Jim. He doesn't like to sit still. Here are a couple of those.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy 9 Months Jim!

(Check back for his 9 month picture. I'm at work right now and all the pictures are on the computer at home...)
What Jim is up to at 9 months:

- He pulls himself up all the time now, on everything.

- He has mastered going from standing up to sitting down.

- He can now go from laying down to sitting up.

- Has 4 teeth -- the front bottom and top teeth.

- He claps his hands all the time.

- He gives us high fives!

- Still loves to eat everything! Some new foods he's tried this past month include Cheerios's, lunch meats and cheeses, gold fish crackers, waffles...(I know there's a lot more but I'm drawing a blank...)

- Is still wearing size 3 diapers.

- Wears 9 and 12 month clothes...9 months are getting too small, but 12 months are still a little too big for him.

- Is crawling all over the place. He's finally figured out the whole crawling on your hands and knees!

- Has given up his binky. (When we were home over New Year's weekend he didn't use it once. And then on Tuesday when he got back to school, Ms. Patricia thought he didn't need to use it again, she thought it was bothering his teeth...)

- Still a wonderful sleeper for us!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A couple pictures....

Happy New Year!!!

Happy 2011!!!

We rang in the New Year with Uncle Robbie and Aunt Jenna. We didn't get to see them over Christmas, so they came down to visit us New Year's weekend. We did an early dinner in Old Town and then just hang out here at home. Aunt Jenna tried to keep Jim awake until midnight, but she wasn't successful. Jim did pop his eyes open for a minute at midnight though!

It's hard to believe in just 3 months Jim will be a year old. Where does the time go?!?!