

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Just a couple of pictures of Jim & Ben together.  You can see why I take a couple of the same pictures - in hopes of getting one good picture.  We'll see if I ever get a handful of these shots where they are both looking and smiling at the same time.  That'll be a good post!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Papa & Grandma visit!!!!

Papa & Grandma came down the other week and stayed with us.  We had a great time together!!!!  (well now that I'm just getting around to posting this - it was actually the other month that they came down!  They were down here the begining of August!  I think they like to pick the hottest weeks to come down and visit.  It was pretty warm when they were here so we really didn't do much.  But we were all okay with that because we got to enjoy each other's company!  With that I'll just leave you all with pictures -

Thursday, September 13, 2012

1/2 a Year!!!

Happy 6 months to my baby Benjamin!!  It's hard to believe you're half a year already!  Where does the time go?!?!  What a wonderful 6 months it's been - that's for sure!  I love how much you're changing, and watching you take on new adventures :) 

What Ben is up to at 6 months:

- He has his first tooth!!! 

- He loves sitting up!

- Growing out of his 6 month clothes - and he fits into all his 9 month clothes.

- Still wearing size 3 diapers.

- Still doing very well with the nursing.  He eats every 3-4 hours. 

- Goes to sleep around 9:00 - and is up by 6:00.  Lately he has been falling back asleep once I feed him @ 6.

- Isn't really on a consistent nap schedule.  It usually depends on what we're doing for the day.  He is usually good with taking a nap after lunch time...and the rest depends on the activities.

- We've started solids,  but it's been going slow!  He's had tastes of avocado, sweet potato, and oatmeal.  I think he's finally getting used to having food in his mouth and figuring out that he's supposed to swallow it.

- His 6 month stats:
Head - 18.25" - 99th percentile
Height - 26.75" - 57th percentile
Weight - 16lbs. 15.6ozs. - 40th percentile.

His head and weight stayed in pretty much the same percentile.  But his weight dropped a bit.  It's hard to believe because he definitely is not a skinny baby by any means!

And finally I'll leave you with his 6 month pictures -
Big brother wanted to help out with the pictures as well!!!!  Love both of these boys!!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I owe you all...

I know, I know, I've been a big slacker updating this!!  We were back home in New York for 2+ weeks, so that put a little hold on the blogging.  I do have lots to catch up on. 

I realized I still have a draft post from when my parents were here....Then there was the awesome 2 weeks when we were at home...We have Ben's 6  month update post, which includes his first tooth!! 

I promise you all I will slowly get caught up!  For now, I will leave you with a picture of Ben's first Syracuse football game!!!  And one of Jim's first boat ride!!!
Well, the picture of Jim on the boat will have to wait.  It's not letting me upload anything else!!!