

Monday, April 29, 2013

20 Questions

I've seen this done a couple of times - so I thought I'd give it a try too.  Basically it's a list of 20 questions, that you're supposed to ask every year on their birthday.  Here is Round I for Jim - we will see if I can keep up with this every year.

1. What is your favorite color?  Yellow
2. What is your favorite toy?  Firetrucks
3. What is your favorite fruit?  Oranges
4. What is your favorite thing to watch on TV?  Trucks
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Spaghettis
6. What is your favorite outfit?  Swimming pool pants
7. What is your favorite game?  The Beer one in the basement...the tops for beer.
8. What is your favorite snack?  Fishies
9. What is your favorite animal?  A Monkey
10. What is your favorite song?  "La-La-La" "La-La-La"
11. What is your favorite book?  About Trucks
12. Who is your best friend?  Daddy
13. What is your favorite cereal?  Mini-Wheats
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Shovel
15. What is your favorite drink?  Milk
16. What is your favorite holiday?  Go on a picnic
17. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Pancakes
18. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Horsey, teddy
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Spaghettis & a sunndy day
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?  A Delivery Man and A Construction Site Man

Friday, April 26, 2013

Part II of our Easter Weekend

So continue on with our Easter Weekend, full with wonderful visitors!!!!  I'll run through our day in pictures -

Jim woke up and was very excited to go downstairs to see if the Easter Bunny 'hopped' to his house or not!!!  Very excited to see all the goodies that he left for the boys!
Here's Jim showing Blake what was in his Easter 'Bucket' -
Brother's on Easter morning -
Hahaha, Oh Ben -
Cousins!!!  I love Blake here :)
The Happy Grandparents with their grandsons :)
The crew -
A couple of pictures of everyone enjoying their Easter Breakfast -
We love our nephew!!!!
Another shot of the boys -
Jim had a lot of fun coloring Easter eggs with his aunts.  Note his tongue out for concentration -
We all had a great Easter!!!  So glad everyone was down here to celebrate together!!!

Next up, the rest of our week with visitors!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Easter Weekend

Trying to get all caught up - we had such a wonderful Easter weekend!!!  The whole family was down here which was awesome!!!!

Rob, Jenna, and Blake got down here Friday.
We hung out for a little bit, before we made our way to the Pentagon City Mall so the boys could see the Easter Bunny!!!  We timed it so we would meet Mom, Dad, Ashley, and Allison there on their way to our house - that way we could all see the boys with the E. Bunny.
After that we just hung out here at home - having some yummy pierogis for dinner!!!  I made some Sweet Bread, and Jim helped get things ready for the Easter Basket blessing for the AM - decorating a couple of cookies, and coloring some Easter Eggs!!!
Saturday was a busy, busy day!!!  I was busy decorating the boys birthday cakes all morning - lots of work, but loved the way they turned out!!!
We just stayed home and enjoyed each other's company.  We did a little Easter Egg hunt in the backyard - will be lots of fun next year when we have 3 boys running around trying to collect them all!!!
The boys discovered their birthday present!!!  Many thanks to his awesome Aunts & Uncles - they love playing in it!!!!
Jim thought Blake was too little to put his feet in it - haha!
With their grandsons!!!  Hard to get a good picture with everyone looking!!!
Once we were done outside, we came in to watch the Syracuse basketball victory!!!!  Then opened up some birthday gifts, had pizza for dinner.  Another great present, Jim testing out his new 'computer' -
We sang Happy Birthday to the boys -
Ben wanted nothing to do with touching or eating his cake.  I thought for sure he would of dug right in, but I was wrong!!!  Here's Jim showing him how to eat the frosting -
Then we sang to this adorable 3 year old, he loved his train cake!!!
Blowing out his candles -
Family shot -
Go Syracuse!!!!!
We left the boys at home with the grandparents, and the kids all went into Old Town for a night out!!!  Went to Murphy's first, and then made our way to Pat Troy's!!  Good times!!!

Stay tuned for Part II of our Easter Weekend - Easter well as the rest of our week with visitors!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Jim is 3!!!!!

It's hard to believe that 3 years ago Jim entered into this world.  What an amazing 3 years it has been!!!  It's so much fun watching him grow and learn!! It's amazing how much he picks up everyday.

Here are a couple of pictures from his Birthday morning.  Started off his morning with birthday pancakes.  (For Valentine's Day I made red pancakes, so now whenever we have pancakes he wants a color - this morning was yellow!!!)
I sang to him in the morning (and yes, that is a # 3 pancake!!!)
Make a wish and blow out your candles!!!
Opening a present with the help from Ben!
After we got ready, I told Jim he could do whatever he wanted for his birthday - and he picked a playground!!  The playground with the police car - so we headed into Old Town to do that!!  He had a blast there!  He picked his lunch, spaghetti's (aka macaroni & cheese).  And then we just spent the afternoon hanging out...waiting for Mark to get home...and grilled up some chicken and french fries for dinner!

Hard to believe that you are 3 - looking forward to seeing what the next year brings us!!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shaving Cream Fun

I saw this link online about playing with Shaving Cream, and making Easter Cards - so I did that with Jim the other day.  He had a lot of fun playing with the shaving cream first!!!
After he was done with that, we added some paint to the tray -
And then Jim helped to spread that paint around -
Took a piece of paper, and pushed it down onto the tray, and this is what we got -
We let that sit for awhile, and then had to wipe off all the shaving cream...and with that we were left with a cool color design, which we made into our Easter Cards
Happy Easter!!!!

More information can be found here:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Nanny & Papa visit

Nanny & Papa came down to visit us this past weekend...And as usual we had a great time with our visitors!!!  On Sunday we took them to the Marine Corps Museum...Monday we just hung out at home - and enjoyed the end of March snow that we got.  Mark got home from work early, and we went into Old Town for a yummy dinner at Overwood.  I'll let you see a glimpse of their visit through pictures...

Building castles with Nanny -
Playing cars / trucks / planes with Papa - 
Opening Birthday presents - loved them all!!!
Having fun with our new gifts - 
An early birthday celebration - 
Love that smile - 
What a hard worker that Jim is!
Jim & Papa had a good time out in the snow - shoveling and building a snowman!!!
While they were outside, we were inside staying warm and making music - 
Having fun coloring together - 
One last picture before we said our good-byes
Thanks for visiting!!!  We had a great time!!!