

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ben's 18 Month Update

I used to be so good at doing updates on the boys, but I just haven't been lately.  Ben just had his 18 month check-up on the 10th, and I figured I haven't done an update in awhile, why not do one now!  Hopefully next month I will remember to do one for Jim and his 3.5 year update!  How are my boys getting so big?!

Let's start off with his stats:

Head - 19.5" - 94th percentile

Height - 33" - 72nd percentile

Weight - 24lbs. 13.3oz. - 60th percentile

He was great at the doctors, and got a clean bill of health.  Only one shot this time, which he didn't like, but as soon as I picked him up, he stopped crying and was fine!

You love your big brother, and have to do everything that he's doing.  So glad we have a school bus because as soon as Jim gets on his fire truck to ride his, you are right behind him on his bus. 
You seem to have the same obsession on rain boots as your brother does!  I just found a pair to fit you and that's all you want to wear - boots & socks!  You get so mad at me if I don't bring a pair of socks down when I am getting you dressed.

Wearing size 5 diapers...a range of clothes, 18 months, 24 months, and 2T, you fit into a bit of are hard, I think you're in size 6, but some are too small to fit on your foot.
Your vocabulary keeps on growing.  And have started to 'talk' on the phone. 

Love seeing any type of animal when we're walking, whether it's a dog, cat, squirrel, etc. you get so excited and 'talk' to them! 
A great sleeper - go to bed just before 9:00 and then you're up anywhere between 7:30-8:00.  Just one nap a day, after lunch, for 1.5-2 hours! 

Your eating is all over the place, some days you love to eat, other days you won't touch your dinner.  You are great using a fork & spoon!  And are drinking 2% milk. 
You love playing outside.  A big fan of any type of ball, and love playing basketball!  And have started to play 'soccer' with us.  If we try to play catch, you just want to hold onto the ball, but if we kick the ball you're kicking it right back to us!

You have no fear - and love jumping, trying to climb things, etc.
Those are just a couple of your highlights!!!  I could keep going on and on, you're one happy little boy!!!  And we love you!!