

Monday, September 21, 2015


How is it possible that I have a kindergartener now?!  It's hard to believe that Jim is off at school everyday - and he seems to be really enjoying it!  There really aren't many complaints, so that's always a good sign! 

He has the same teacher and assistant he had over the summer for the Bridge to K program - and I think that really helped him with the transition!

We enjoy walking him to school every morning, and picking him up in the afternoons! 

Can't wait to see what this year has in store for him!

Summer Overview

I really wish I was better at keeping up with this.  I love having something to look back on.  But I just never can seem to find the time to keep up with it.  So here's a brief overview of the Summer of 2015:
We spent our fair share of time at the pool this summer, having lots of fun there.  It was a little limited, first with Jim's fractured collarbone...then Ben's procedure...and Jim's Bridge to Kindergarten program.  But everyone seemed to have lots of fun when we went!
Jim attended a 3 week Bridge to Kindergarten program at his school.  He got to ride the bus, which he absolutely loved!  I think that made the first day pretty easy for him because all his excitement was about the bus & not about going to school.  He had a great teacher/assistant, met some new friends, and did great!!!
We spent 2 weeks up in New York. Aunt Ali flew down here for a couple of days & then helped us with the drive up to Buffalo.  Lots of fun there including a walk to Pautler's for ice cream, Paula's donuts, fun in the hot tub, a trip to Niagara Falls, car show with Papa, a bounce house place, playing outside, water balloons, the zoo.  We attempted to go downtown to the food truck Tuesdays, but we got rained out & had to settle for Anderson's instead.  Mark flew down on Thursday, and we wanted to go to canal side, but Friday was a rainy day.  He did get to enjoy wings @ anchor bar with every one!  Jenna spent the week up in Buffalo too, so it was a lot of fun having the 4 boys playing together!

Saturday morning we drove out to Kevin's land & spent the night there.  The boys loved it, gators, tractors, fishing, campfire w/ marshmallows, it was perfect for them!  Sunday we drove to Mark's parents & had a great week there with hiking @ Letchworth, splitting wood, visiting the fair for the fireman's parade, the tractor pull, riding rides, sitting on tractors, seeing animals, we took the canoe out again!  All in all it was a great 2 weeks. 
Lots of fun with our weekly drinks in the driveway with the neighbors!  Love that it's become a weekly tradition with everyone. 
Jim learned how to ride his bike with no training wheels!!!!  He's a pro at it now.  At one point we took the pedals off his bike to make it a balance bike...he was doing great with that, but then fractured his collarbone so he took some time off from riding his bike.  Then he got back onto it, and one day I told him we should try putting his pedals back on, it took him about 10-15 seconds, and then he was off!!!!
Lots of playdates and fun with friends, whether it was at a park, playground, or going on a nature walk. We were busy, busy, busy & definitely enjoyed our summer!!!