

Monday, January 30, 2017

Monster Jam

This past weekend we took the boys to Monster Jam at the Verizon Center in DC. Lots of fun again this time!!  We took the Metro in and made our way to Verizon Center.  The boys had a lot of fun watching all the action - Ben was hoping Mohawk Warrior would be there to match his Mohawk - but no such luck this time!  I think these smiles show that fun was had all around!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Our Year in Review - 2016

January - We rang in 2016 with our usual neighbor get together - with dinner at Southside, and then a roundup at all 3 houses this year, lots of fun with great people!  January was lots of playdates, fun drinks with neighbors, and snow!

February - Was similar to January, with playdates, some snow, a snowy trip into D.C. to check out a museum, a fun visit from Aunt Ali, and an overnight trip up to Baltimore to see Monster Jam!

March -  We now have a FOUR year old, lots of fun celebrating with a monster truck birthday. Made a trip up to NY over Jim's spring break - and got to meet Avalon!!!

April -  And now we have a SIX year old!!!  Another fun army celebration with a fun 6 year old!  We poured our shed foundation - had 2 great helpers!  Soccer season started up for Jim, and we took another great trip to Lake Anna with our neighbors!

May -  Weekends were busy with soccer games, lots of fun playing with friends, a weekend with Aunt Ali & Uncle Chris, a Potomac Nationals games, and we bought our Explorer!

June -  Soccer fun, pool fun, friends, field day for Jim, and a kindergarten celebration sums up our month of June!  As well as a visit from Uncle Robbie, Aunt Jenna, Blake & Brody.  So fun to watch the cousins playing together!

July - Celebrated the 4th of July with a picnic at friends, a overnight trip into D.C. to watch the fireworks on the Mall!  Enjoying our summer break together - lots of fun activities, a trip to visit Aunt Ali, fun at the AMP summer camp!

August - We wrapped up our summer fun here in VA, and then took our trip up north, lots of fun visiting in Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Castile, and wrapping up with Labor Day weekend for a wedding in NY.

September - Jim started 1st grade - soccer season started, with Ben playing for his first time!  We went camping with P & family at Prince William Forest again this year!

October - Was more soccer, a Storm Trooper & Optimus Prime for Halloween, and another trip down south to celebrate Aunt Ali's birthday together! 

November - a big month for us, the boys first airplane ride which they loved!!!  And a trip down to Orlando/Disney. This year was our first year not traveling up to NY for Thanksgiving, staying home in VA, and celebrating with Allison & Chris.

December was all about the Holiday's, decorating for Christmas, baking for Christmas, and our usual Christmas trip back home!

2016 was a fun year for us!  Looking forward to seeing what 2017 has in store for us!