

Monday, September 11, 2017

A 2nd grader + A Kindergartener

The time has finally come - both boys are in school!  They started 2 weeks ago, and nothing but good reports from both of them.  It seems like Ben is following in Jim's footsteps and is liking school!

The week before school started, on Thursday, they had the teacher welcome walks.  Was very excited when Ms. G. came for Ben - she's the teacher that he had for his Bridge to Kindergarten program along with Ms. D.  I was really happy to see them come, as was Ben.  Jim has a new teacher, Ms. B.  He was sad when Ben's teacher came and he was still waiting for his.

Friday was open house, so we got to go in, drop off their school supplies, and check out their classrooms.  Ben is in the same room Jim had for kindergarten!  They got to see who all was going to be in their class.

And then it was off to school on Monday!  I was able to walk them both into their classroom - Jim barely looked back to say good-bye, he was excited to see all his friends and start another great year of school.  And Ben had no problems going in.

I'm feeling pretty good about this year - and can't wait to see how much they learn and grow this year!