

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy 2 Months!!!

Can you believe it - Jim is already 2 months?! Where the heck does time go? I'm sure I"ll be saying that every month-day! Jim had his 2 month check-up on the 11th - and he did GREAT! He received a clean bill of health! No problems at all! His 2 month check-up did mean his first round of shots. I don't know who was more nervous about that- Jim, his mom, or Aunt Ashley. I am happy to say that Jim did great! He got a prick in each leg and only cried for a minute. The nurse gave him his 3rd vaccine - which was in liquid form, and he thought it was something to eat and sucked it right down. We have such a good boy. His stats are:

Head - 15 3/4" - 50th percentile
Height - 23 1/2" - 75th percentile
Weight - 11lbs. 8 oz - 50th percentile

Compared to his 2 week check-up:

Head - 14 3/4" - 50th percentile
Height - 21 3/4" - 85th percentile
Weight - 8lbs. 3 oz - 30th percentile

What Jim is up to @ 2 months:
- He's very good at holding up his own head. And is much better sitting in his bumbo.
- He can roll from one side to the other. (Hasn't rolled over from stomach to back just yet).
- Is wearing 0-3 months clothes.
- Smiles at us all the time! (And it's not just gas...)
- He holds his own bottle. - Can stand up and sit down with a little assistance.
- He 'talks' to us.
- Loves going on walks and runs in his stroller.
- Is sleeping through the night!

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