

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 - A year in Review

Happy 2-0-1-4!!!!

I did this last year, 2012 - A Year in Review, and thought it'd be fun to do one for this past year.  Just a couple of highlights from the year!!

We started to potty train Jim in January (can't believe that was just a year ago!)...made a trip to Pittsburgh for Blake's Baptism...and just enjoyed our time together!
Jim is officially diaper free in February!!! (Started off just during the day, then nap time, and cut off diapers at bedtime!)...Ben starts walking all over the place!  Jim is such a great big brother, helping him with the walking.
March was a busy month --  Ben turned ONE!!!  Grandma & Papa came down to celebrate his first birthday with us!  Nanny & Papa came down to visit...and then we had everyone hear at the end of the month for Easter and to celebrate Ben's 1st Birthday, and Jim's 3rd birthday!  We had lots of fun with all our visitors!!!
Jim turned 3 in April!!!  Went down into D.C. to see the Cherry Blossoms w/ Grandma & Papa, but we were a little too early for that!  Enjoyed the fact that the weather is starting to get warmer, lots of time outside and doing jobs with daddy!
Nothing too exciting during the month of May - just lots of playdates, lots of fun outside, and lots of fun just hanging out, and the boys being their crazy selves!
June was a busy month - mom flew down for a couple days, and then she drove up to Buffalo with me and the boys.  We had Allison's wedding shower in Erie, her Bachelorette Party, and lots of fun just hanging out in Buffalo for the week!  After our week in Buffalo, mom drove back down to VA with us (and Allison squeezed in the middle between the 2 car seats for an interview) - and the rest of the family came into town that weekend for the boys Baptism!  We enjoyed lots of time at the pool, and lots of time outside!  A very busy and fun month!
July we spent more time at the pool!  More time outside!  More time on various play dates!  Just enjoying life together!  We enjoyed a visit from Uncle Robbie, Aunt Jenna, and Blake!  And had fun hanging out and playing together!
 August was a great month - getting back up to Buffalo for Allison & Chris's wedding!!!  (Which I can't believe I didn't even write about!!  Shows how much of a slacker I've been the last couple of months - hoping to change that around a bit this year!)  We were busy getting ready for that, and another month of lots of pool time, play dates, and outdoor fun!!!
We made another trip up to NY in September - Mark & I went to a 'Cuse football game!  And we spent a couple of days up in Castile.  We ended September with a visit from Grandma & Papa!  We got to celebrate Grandma's birthday with her!  Lots of silliness and fun together!
And another trip up to NY in October.  Mark & I had a wedding to go to, so we went up to Mark's for a couple of days.  Lots of Halloween fun & play dates.  The boys had a great time Trick or Treating!  We went with our neighbors down our street, and both boys were into it this year! 
November was a fun month!  We made our way to Pittsburgh to celebrate Blake's 1st birthday!  Great spending time with everyone there.  And then end of the month we made our way back up to NY for Thanksgiving.  The boys got to play in the snow!!  We decorated our house for Christmas - lots of fun!
December we were busy getting ready for Christmas!  Lots of fun this year - Jim was really into it more, so that made it even more fun!  Lots of fun holiday themed playdates, picking out presents for everyone, wrapping, baking cookies!  We were up in NY Saturday - Friday, visiting Castile, Buffalo, and Albany!  Lots of fun!  (Hopefully a Christmas re-cap will be next!!)
I can say that 2013 was a great year!  I am excited to see what 2014 has in store for us!  The boys will keep me busy, that's for sure!!

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