

Saturday, September 11, 2010

5 Months Old

Happy 5 month Jim!!!

It's hard to believe that 5 months ago we were welcoming you into the world. You're becoming quite the little young man now!

What Jim is up to:

  • Wearing size 2 diapers
  • In 3-6 month clothes (his pajamas are starting to get a little short on him though...)
  • Is laughing all the time!
  • Loves playing in his jumperoo! Bouncing all over the place.
  • Still sleeping through the night! Goes down between 8-9 and we wake him up at 5.
  • Is rolling from his back to his belly all the time now!
  • Is trying real hard to start crawling. He gets his butt up in the air, just needs to figure out the next step.
  • Still eats at 5:00am; then gets 4 bottles @ daycare (4-5 ounces); and then eats twice again in the evening.
  • He's tried avocado (not sure what he thought of that) and has had cereal -- which he loves! He tries to help me feed him, grabbing at his spoon.
  • He weighed 17 pounds on our scale at home.
  • Loves playing peek-a-boo with us!

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