

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a GREAT Thanksgiving!!! Mark & I took the days off before the Holiday so we could spend a week up in NY.

We left Friday afternoon and made our way north, stopping in Wilkes-Barre. Saturday morning we got up and continued our drive up to Syracuse. We got there and met Mom, Ashley, and Allison at our hotel and loaded up Jim's stuff in their car, and went to Varsity for some lunch. After we were done eating we said our good-bye's to Jim and he drove back to Buffalo and spent the night there. It was our first time leaving Jim overnight, and I think everyone did just fine. Jim had a great time hanging out with Grandma, Papa, and his two wonderful aunts; and despite a Syracuse loss, Mark & I had a great time up in the 'Cuse!

We spent Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning at home in Buffalo. Jim learned to crawl!!! As mom calls it, he's doing the army crawl. He's definitely on the move now! Wednesday afternoon we made our way up to Castile to spend the rest of the week up there. In the evening there was a little party for Jim, so the neighbors could stop by and meet him. Jim did wonderful there!

Thursday was his first Thanksgiving!!! He did great all day! And enjoyed a taste of turkey, as well as squash, mashed potatoes, and applesauce! Jim and Maddie got along great too!

It was sad Sunday morning when our vacation time was coming to an end, and we had to get on the road to make our way back home. We had a great time visiting with everyone! And can't wait to do it all over again during Christmas!

Friday, November 19, 2010

A mini-update.

Took Jim to the Doctor yesterday. He has all these red bumps on his back that have been there since last Friday. Turns out he eczema - and it's nothing to be concerned about. Just need to keep on lathering him up with lotion to make sure his skin isn't dry.

He's 18lbs. 6ozs.

Daycare thinks he may be starting to teeth. The Doctor looked at his gums, and said she didn't see anything. I guess we'll see in a couple of days if anything pops up.

He's eating puffs for a little snack, and loves them. This past weekend we were feeding them to him because he couldn't figure out picking them up and putting them in his mouth. But Wednesday night he figured it out! (Although 1/2 of them ended up in his highchair somewhere) And boy did he get mad when there were no more!

He still loves to eat, pretty much anything and everything. (Although I did give him some carrots the other day which he wasn't a big fan of...) Maybe next time I'll have to try dipping them in some ranch dressing - haha.

He's no longer a fan of sitting -- he has to be standing all the time now!!! And he loves to walk all over the place. (Of course you have to hold on to him and help him out.)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

7 Months Old

I think everyone knows how I'm going to start this blog. I can't believe that Jim is 7 months already. Time sure is flying. But I'm enjoying every second of it!! He is wonderful!

What I'm up to:

- Loves to stand!! Would much rather be standing then sitting down.

- Can go from sitting to the crawling position (on his hands and knees) but he's not sure what to do next. It's won't be long!

- Loves to eat! There hasn't been a food we've given him that he doesn't like.

- Is on the same sleep schedule, going down around 8:00ish, and then we wake him up at 5:00.

- Wearing 6-9 month clothes.

- Is in size 3 diapers.

- Still loves it at day care! Ms. Fabi is back, and they are both very happy!

- Last time I weighed him at home he was 18lbs.

- Loves to bounce! Whether it's in his jumperoo, or on our lap.