

Monday, February 28, 2011

Grandma & Papa visit

Jim got to see all his grandparents in a span of one week! How lucky is he?!?!

Grandma & Papa came out on Sunday. They watched Jim on Monday; which was extra nice because Monday was President's day and daycare was closed. They then watched him on Thursday & Friday (after making a trip down to North Carolina to do some visiting with friends). I think it's safe to say everyone had a great time together!!! They taught Jim some new tricks, and enjoyed getting to see him dancing, walking around, finding his nose, reading stories together, wearing matching shirts, and so much more! We can't wait to do it again!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Picture Update

Just thought I'd share some pictures of Jim from the past week. It's hard just to choose a couple to upload on here.
Here's Jim sitting next to his 'First Sofa' enjoying a bowl of snacks. How adorable is he?
Look at his face - and his little teeth. He cracks me up!
Uh-oh - someone isn't very happy to be stuck behind the gate.
Checking out all his toys!
Again, I love that face!
He loves his walker! He's all over the place, and is getting so close to walking on his own!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nanny & Papa visit

After another summertime day on Friday (Jim & mommy went for a nice long run and played outside for awhile), Nanny & Papa came on down! They got in Friday and we hung out and grilled some burgers for dinner, and played all night long!
Saturday Jim took his very first Metro ride and his first trip into D.C. We got some lunch down there and then went to the National Archives. Apparently Jim wasn't very excited by this outing as he slept the entire time we were in there. He missed out on seeing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Oh well, I'm sure there will be many more trips down there.

We had a great time hanging out with Nanny & Papa!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Summertime in February?!

It got up to 73 degrees yesterday! Love getting a little taste of spring! Wednesday & Thursday when we got home, Jim & I went for a run, and then played outside until the sun started to go down. I can't wait for this weather to be here for good!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy 10 Months!!!

Double Digits!! How is it that you're 10 months already Jim?! My what a WONDERFUL (there are so many more words that I can insert here...I'm not sure if I can capture it all) 10 months it has been.

You have been such a blessing and a wonderful joy in our lives!

What Jim is up to
- He loves climbing up the stairs! He'll be in the middle of the floor playing, he'll look around to see what Mark & I are up to, and then he darts off for the stares. He thinks he's pretty funny when he does that! You call his name, and he just starts going faster for the stairs.

- He's very busy pulling up on everything, and is cruising all over the place. He's getting better with his walking too. He loves his little push toy, and will now walk if we just hold on to his shirt. (It wasn't too long ago when he had to be holding onto both hands).

- Loves to play with strings - whether it's the drawstrings on my PJ pants, or his shoelaces - he'll stay very occupied with that!

- Loves to play the drums on anything and everything!!!

- Gets very excited when it's bath time. Mark gets the bath all ready, and I get Jim undressed his his room. Then we walk into the bathroom - and he's all smiles waiting to get in!

- Plays peek-a-boo with me and his towel after bath time.

- Still loves to eat anything and everything! He's started to eat the lunch food that is served at daycare - because he wasn't interested in baby food anymore.

- Has his 4 teeth - 2 on top, 2 on bottom. And he's getting ready to cut some more, definitely on top. Can't tell if it's 2 more, or 4 more.

- Is babbling a lot more. There's a lot of ma-ma-ma-ma going on.

- You can tell he's trying to say bye when we say bye bye to him. He gets a little 'buh' out.

- Is in size 3 diapers.

- Wears mainly 12 month clothes.

- Went to the DR. last week because he had a fever and had to be picked up at daycare early. Ended up he had an ear infection. And weighted 20 lbs. 4 ozs.

- Got to stay home for a snow day with me!

- We cut out one of his bottles at daycare since he's eating more and more solids. So now he's down to 3 bottles there (~10 ozs. total); and he's still nursing once in the morning when he gets up, and then again in the evening.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Random Update

Just a little random update, with some random pictures from last week. Last week was a rough week in the VZ household. Mark & I both had some stomach bug...And Jim came down with a fever on Wednesday - turned out he had an ear infection. My two sick boys stayed home together on Wednesday trying to recover from this bug. Based on the mess that I came to when I got home from work, Jim wasn't feeling too bad.
Jim loves playing in the kitchen. There are many nights when Mark & I are sitting on the couch, and he disappears into the kitchen. You call his name, and this is what you end up seeing...
Jim has been doing this for awhile now - standing up and cruising all over the place. Before we know it, he's going to be walking all over the place!
And finally, I can't get over how adorable he looks in his new PJ's (which are 18 months?!?!)