

Monday, December 5, 2011

'Tis the Season

This weekend we decorated our house for Christmas!!  It's definitely a fun time of year - especially now that Jim understands a lot more and is into it more.  On Saturday I was going through all my decorations while Jim and Mark were downstairs working on Mark's train table.  I had a huge pile sitting in the family room, and Jim came upstairs and goes - "whoah!  cool!"  He was impressed by everything!

He really didn't want to hang any ornaments on the tree - but when I broke out my box of plastic candy canes, he was all over that!  Here's a picture of him hanging those up!  
I was hoping to put a train under the tree - but the way we have the tree set-up and the size of the track, it didn't work out.  So instead we put it up in his playroom - and he loves that thing!!!
 He was so cute on Sunday checking out all the lights and ornaments on the tree.  It's very hard to get him to sit still in front of the tree while looking at me so I could take a picture - so here's one of him in action!
I also bought him An Elf on the Shelf.  I think he's still a little too young to understand the concept all the way - but every time I ask him where his elf is he gets all excited and points to it, or goes over and looks at it.  Hopefully it'll be a big hit in years to come!!!

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