

Monday, August 13, 2012

Making Pizza

These pictures just crack me up.  Jim helps us make pizza - and yes that would be him picking the peppers AND cheese off the pizza...stuffing them into his mouth...and then going back for more.  And yes, we still all ate the pizza.  The hot oven burned off all his germs, right?!  Pizza anyone?!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ben is 5 months!

Happy 5 months old Baby Ben!!!  It's amazing how much you've changed in the past month.  You're at such a fun age (but really, isn't every age fun!?!?!)  Love to see how much you and your brother are interacting - it's more and more everyday!  Love your smile and your laugh - surely can brighten everyday!!!!!

What Ben is up to at 5 months:

- He's sitting!

- He's such a happy, happy baby!  Always smiling, and only starts to get fussy if he's tired or hungry.

- Loves to bounce in his exercauser.

- Had his first bite of food the other day - didn't really seem to be much of a fan - we'll wait awhile to try again.

- Still goes down at 9:00, awake in his crib, and has no trouble falling asleep.  Is usually awake by 6:00.

- Nursing about 5x's a day - every 3-4 hours.

- He's wearing size 3 diapers.

- Wearing 6 month clothes - and some of that is starting to get small on him.  He fits into some of his 9 month stuff, and it fits him just fine!
- Is rolling over all the time - he likes rolling from hi back to belly a lot more.

- He loves his tongue - constantly sticking it out at us.

- No doctor's appointment this month - but I'm guessing you're around 17 pounds or so.  We'll find out for sure next month @ your 6 month check-up.

And like usual - here are your 5 month pictures -- look at that smile!!!
 And look at that tongue -

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Friendship Firehouse Festival

The Friendship Firehouse in Old Town was having a festival this past Saturday, so we thought it would be a perfect thing to take the boys along with my parents.  Jim didn't want to get close to the fire truck at first - he was content looking at it from the distance.  But we were finally able to convince him to drive it - and once he got in it, he couldn't get enough of it!  He loved it! 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Jones Point Park

Last Sunday we met up with our friends at the new playground @ Jones Point Park.  We didn't get there until 4:00ish, but the sun was beating right down on the playground and it was pretty hot!  We didn't stay long there since the boys were so hot, so we decided to walk around the park instead.  Jim had a great time running after Connor!  And we had a great time checking everything out (including one of the markers that show one of the four corners of the District of Columbia (D.C.))  And as usual, I'll leave you with some pictures from that afternoon.  And yes, Ben did enjoy himself as well - as long as we were moving with him.  He wasn't happy to stop to take a picture.