

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ben is 5 months!

Happy 5 months old Baby Ben!!!  It's amazing how much you've changed in the past month.  You're at such a fun age (but really, isn't every age fun!?!?!)  Love to see how much you and your brother are interacting - it's more and more everyday!  Love your smile and your laugh - surely can brighten everyday!!!!!

What Ben is up to at 5 months:

- He's sitting!

- He's such a happy, happy baby!  Always smiling, and only starts to get fussy if he's tired or hungry.

- Loves to bounce in his exercauser.

- Had his first bite of food the other day - didn't really seem to be much of a fan - we'll wait awhile to try again.

- Still goes down at 9:00, awake in his crib, and has no trouble falling asleep.  Is usually awake by 6:00.

- Nursing about 5x's a day - every 3-4 hours.

- He's wearing size 3 diapers.

- Wearing 6 month clothes - and some of that is starting to get small on him.  He fits into some of his 9 month stuff, and it fits him just fine!
- Is rolling over all the time - he likes rolling from hi back to belly a lot more.

- He loves his tongue - constantly sticking it out at us.

- No doctor's appointment this month - but I'm guessing you're around 17 pounds or so.  We'll find out for sure next month @ your 6 month check-up.

And like usual - here are your 5 month pictures -- look at that smile!!!
 And look at that tongue -

1 comment:

  1. love the smile or should I say tongue. love those guys...grandma
