

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happenings Around Here

This post has been a couple of days in the makings.  I finally finished our taxes, so I can move onto other things like updated this with pictures....So first we'll start off with a couple of pictures of the 2 boys:

Love this one of them playing together - And love the face Jim gives me when I tell him to say 'Cheese' -
Both boys curious as to what's going on outside...or maybe a sign that they are really looking forward to spring & warmer weather...
Playing trains together:
And what a great big brother Jim is - he loves 'catching' Ben when he's walking - love it!
I've been meaning to update with the latest happening in the VZ house -

First off Jim is officially potty trained!!!!!  No more diapers for him!  I posted last month how he was doing great during the day - but we were still working on naptime & night time...After our weekend in Pittsburgh we decided to get rid of the diapers at nap-time (he was walking up from his nap dry, so I figured this would be easy!  And then the next day or 2 we decided to get rid of diapers at night time since he had been waking up in the morning dry.  I think when we started off with the potty training he knew that he wasn't supposed to go in his diaper hence him waking up dry.  But he did such a great job - and continues to do a great job!  Very proud of my Jimma!

How sweet is Jim?!?!  He was very excited for his red heart shaped pancakes on Valentine's Day!!!
And I love this picture of him!!!  Maybe I'll get around to posting all these pictures, but for Valentine's I had the boys hold letters that spelled L-O-V-E - and I love this one!!!
Sweet Jim relaxing:
We lost power this past Sunday, and it was cold.  Here's Jim warming up his hands!!  And don't worry he didn't come anywhere close to touching the fire -
And Ben is officially walking!!!  He's all over the place now.  I love turning the corner to see him walking around (with his hands straight up in the air!)  He no longer needs Mark or I as motivation to walk.  It won't be long and he'll be running around the house.

See, hands up in air:
Getting ready to take off -
Walking out of the playroom:
Hahaha, Ben cracks me up.  He gets stuck places when he uses his walker, and gets so mad that he can't keep going.  Here he is trying to walk under his highchair, and not liking that he and the walker can't get through -

1 comment:

  1. they are two little angles and I love them!!!!!!
