

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

October in review

I guess I didn't do a single post in October.  I have no excuse, just busy living and enjoying life!!!  Looking back on the last post (Ben's 18 month update) I never did do a 3.5 year post for Jim...and it's also hard to believe Ben was in shorts & a tank top - now we're all bundled up.  It's definitely starting to feel more and more like fall here! 

Since I didn't post at all in October, how about a little month in review through pictures -

We enjoyed a great visit with Grandma & Papa!!!  Jim had lots of fun decorating Grandma's Happy Birthday cake, and celebrating her special day with her!!!
A picture of me & my 2 boys -
Jim showing off his magic skills, magic cape & all!
Like how both boys are doing the same thing; blowing on their waffles -
We had fun at a pumpkin patch with our friends!!!
We shared stories together -
We carved pumpkins (Ben lost interest and played trucks) -
We were construction workers during the day for Halloween - having friends over for a Halloween party!
And then we went Trick or Treating with our neighbors!!!  Ben started off as a monkey, but he wasn't much of a fan, so I took that off.  Both boys had lots of fun!!!
I like Jim's tools in his pocket -
As you can tell we had a great month of October!!!!  Hopefully I'll be better updating in November - no promises though.

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