

Monday, April 28, 2014

Jim is FOUR!!!!!

Hard to believe that Jim is 4!!!!  I love that he's always saying, "now that I'm 4, I will do this..." or "these are 4 year old shoes..."  Here's a quick recap of his actual BirthDAY!  Which actually kicked off on Thursday.  Grandma & Papa left his gifts here when they were down in March, so we Skyped with them on Thursday so they could watch him open his gifts.  Here's a picture of Jim & Ben waiting patiently to start opening!
Playing with his new crane!
I was busy on Thursday making cake pops for his big day!!
The morning was spent at the park with friends at an Easter Egg hunt!!!
Here's my 4-year old checking out what's in his eggs!
Trying to figure out why the candles wouldn't light.
He was pretty excited to have all his friends sing to him!!!
Enjoying a birthday cupcake!!
On our way home from our Easter Egg hunt, Jim made it very clear that "This was the best birthday ever!!!"  I asked him what he wanted for lunch, since it's his best birthday ever - and he told me "Salad - just the green stuff, nothing else.  I've never had salad before!!" 
I made him a salad, and a PB&J, and he gobbled up the salad, and asked for a 2nd helping of it!!!  He loved it!!!
We got to Facetime with a lot of people - Jim was very happy to hear all the Happy Birthday messages!!!!

That evening, we were busy loading up the truck for our trip to Charleston - enjoyed some pizza for dinner, and we sang Happy Birthday to him!!!!  He's one Happy Birthday boy!!!!
Make a wish!!!
Here's a cute Jim-ism - as I was buckling him in his car seat:
J - "Mommy what number are you?  (that's his way of asking how old someone is.)
M - 33
J - When I'm 33 I'm going to buckle my seat belt all by myself!
M - When you're 33, hopefully you'll be driving.
J - And you'll be the passenger!  (And Ben will still be riding in the back!)

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