

Friday, January 30, 2015

Diaper Free!!!

I'm very excited to say that we are now 100% diaper free in our house!!!!  Woohoo, no more changing diapers for us! 

We decided to start potty training Ben on the 1st of this month.  Mark was going to be home for a couple extra days, so we figured now's the time to do it!  (We didn't want to do it sooner because we had New Year's Eve plans, and didn't want to have to worry about that, priorities!) 

I will have to say Ben did a great job with the whole process.  The first day he had a bunch of accidents, which is to be expected.  But then the 2nd day, he had 1 accident - when he was outside playing!  3rd day - just 1 accident, same as 4th day again when he was outside playing - and then he was accident free! 

He even stayed dry during nap time & night time.  I think something just clicked with him and he knew he shouldn't go when sleeping, and only go in the potty. 

Great job Ben with the potty training!!!!

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