

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring Break

I'm trying to get caught up on things that have been going on.  I love looking back through this to see what we did at different times throughout the year.  And I'm going to be disappointed to see big gaps in the blog.  I'm really trying to be better, but haven't been all that successful. 

For Jim's spring break we made our way up to NY!  And were able to meet Avalon!  The timing all worked out pretty much perfectly.  Since she was breach, they scheduled for a C-section on Friday the 18th, and we were planning to head up on Monday!  That gave them their time in the hospital, and we got to meet Avalon when they were home!  And got to spend the week with her! 

Pretty much my whole goal of that week was to spend as much time with her as possible - and my parents were great that week, watching the boys. 

Allison came down on Saturday (she couldn't leave Friday after work because she wanted to meet Avalon before she drove down!)  And spent Saturday & Sunday with Chris.  And then Monday morning we got up bright and early and drove to Buffalo - driving straight to Ashley's!

Both boys held her for a couple of minutes, I was very surprised that Ben wanted to!  But they both did great!
Jim and Ben got to spend a lot of time with Grandma & Papa, and we were all very thankful for that!  They took them to Paula's donuts, to the park, and to Chuck E Cheese one day!  I think everyone had a lot of fun together!  Can't forget how awesome Aunt Ali was, staying at home at times to entertain the boys and then coming to Ashley's later on.  It really was an awesome week, and it made me realize how thankful and how awesome our family is!
The boys got to spend time with Blake & Brody too! As they came up to Buffalo during that week.  We had a little Easter Egg hunt at Ashley's, which they all seemed to have fun with!
 A picture of the happy grandparents with all their grandkids!
 Trying to get all 5 kids to smile and look at the same time is a challenge!
Mark drove up on Wednesday night, and came to Buffalo on Thursday spending the day with us.  Then he took the boys up to Castile on Friday to build the retaining wall.  I made my way up to Castile Saturday afternoon, and it was back to VA on Sunday! 

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