

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Ben's BirthDAY!

Ben's birthday was on a Friday this year - his last year where he won't be in school!  I think he had a very fun 5th birthday! 

His day started off with balloons 'falling' out of his door and his '5' birthday pancake, and opening his present from Jim -- Legos!
After walking Jim to school, he got to FaceTime - when we were talking with Grandma, Jenna, Blake & Brody were calling us, so we switched over and chatted with them for a bit.  Ben's pick was Flight Trampoline again this year - and we both had lots of fun jumping there. 

I decided to treat him to a birthday lunch.  He wasn't happy with me when I told him we were going somewhere new, Silver Diner.  (His pick would've been Buffalo Wild Wings) But once we got inside, he thought the Silver Diner was pretty cool.  And the birthday boy got a special birthday lunch, chocolate milk, a chocolate milkshake, and pancakes!
Once Jim got home from school & Mark got home from work, he got to open up his birthday presents - all 3 of them got a football jersey - which they are loving!!!!
His birthday did fall on a Friday - so he got to celebrate with everyone at drinks!  Lots of fun having everyone together.  His request this year was a football themed birthday, and a Jacksonville Jaguars cake! 
Love the family shot we got this year!
It's crazy to think that you're 5 now Ben!!!  It was a fun day celebrating with him!!!

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