

Monday, June 28, 2010

Aunt Allison comes to visit!!!

How lucky is Jim? We drop one Aunt off at the airport, only to pick up another one - to spend the week together!!! This time it was Aunt Allison's turn!!!! Of course we had to wear our Syracuse clothes -- and pose for lots and lots of pictures!!! Yes, Jim is the #1 Syracuse fan!!!

See what I mean about the Syracuse clothes - go Orange & Blue! Note Allison's huge smile on her face while watching the NBA draft...
Look how cute they are, both wearing red :)
Since Jim was such a good boy for Aunt Allison we decided another trip to the park was in order for him...
Okay, that's only a very, very small sample of the fun Jim had with his Aunt Allison. It was very hard to choose what ones to upload here - and I'm constantly looking back through the hundreds of pictures that we have.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The rest of Aunt Ashley's visit

We had a faboulous 2 weeks with Aunt Ashley. I'll leave you with some pictures from the rest of her stay here!! And as you can see, Jim was very sad to see Ashley pack her bags and leave. I think he tried to convince her to move down to VA - but it hasn't worked...yet at least. We're still working on her!The Future Buffalo Bills Star Quarterback--We took some modeling pictures together---
Aunt Ashley taught Jim to play soccer...and football...and how to dance...and much much more....Some Aunt/Nephew bonding time....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My 1st trip tp the park

We took Jim to the park for his 1st time!!!! I can't wait to take him when he gets a little older and is running around on his own!!! Excuse our red faces -- we had just finished up with a run!!

Crawling through the tunnel.

Riding the horse!
Getting ready to go down the slide with Aunt Ashley!

Going down the slide!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Aunt Ashley

Aunt Ashley has been here the last week watching Jim while I made my adjustment back to work. Here are just a couple of things that they did together (Captions to be added later).
Aunt Ashley keeps me up to date with all the latest gossip!!
Aunt Ashley has my mom buy an adorable shirt at the GAP - and we pose for this picture!
Aunt Ashley puts on my new cool sandals!!! And helps pick out a new pair of cool sneakers.
Aunt Ashley dresses me in really cute clothes! And takes many cute pictures of me :)
Aunt Ashley & Jim dress a like!!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy 2 Months!!!

Can you believe it - Jim is already 2 months?! Where the heck does time go? I'm sure I"ll be saying that every month-day! Jim had his 2 month check-up on the 11th - and he did GREAT! He received a clean bill of health! No problems at all! His 2 month check-up did mean his first round of shots. I don't know who was more nervous about that- Jim, his mom, or Aunt Ashley. I am happy to say that Jim did great! He got a prick in each leg and only cried for a minute. The nurse gave him his 3rd vaccine - which was in liquid form, and he thought it was something to eat and sucked it right down. We have such a good boy. His stats are:

Head - 15 3/4" - 50th percentile
Height - 23 1/2" - 75th percentile
Weight - 11lbs. 8 oz - 50th percentile

Compared to his 2 week check-up:

Head - 14 3/4" - 50th percentile
Height - 21 3/4" - 85th percentile
Weight - 8lbs. 3 oz - 30th percentile

What Jim is up to @ 2 months:
- He's very good at holding up his own head. And is much better sitting in his bumbo.
- He can roll from one side to the other. (Hasn't rolled over from stomach to back just yet).
- Is wearing 0-3 months clothes.
- Smiles at us all the time! (And it's not just gas...)
- He holds his own bottle. - Can stand up and sit down with a little assistance.
- He 'talks' to us.
- Loves going on walks and runs in his stroller.
- Is sleeping through the night!


Jim has been doing great sleeping through the night! It's amazing. I heard all the stories about how when you have a newborn you end up being sleep deprived...And how they'll wake up every couple hours screaming. Well we didn't have that at all! Jim's been great! He goes down anywhere between 9 and 10 o'clock. And then will sleep until 5 or so. Actually there are many times when we end up waking him up then so I can feed him. Couldn't have asked for a better sleeper! Let's hope he stays that way.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

1st Cold

I gave Jim his first cold the other day. Last week I had a sore throat, followed by a runny nose and a cough. I was hoping that Jim wouldn't get it - but sure enough he did. On Monday he just wanted to be held all day. And he pretty much slept on whoever was holding him. When we tried to put him in his swing, or put him down he would start to cry - and it was such a sad cry. We all felt bad for him. Mark & I tried to go for a run in the afternoon - and Jim didn't even let us do that. I thought we were going to have a long night - but we lucked out, and he actually went down and slept through the night! Tuesday he was doing better - not back to his normal self. Decided to stay inside to avoid picking anything else up. And by Wednesday he was back to himself!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We had visitors this past weekend - and had a great time with them!

Grandma & Papa flew down from Buffalo on Friday. They got here and babysat Jim while I ran to Kohl's, and got my haircut! He behaved himself for them. Mark got home from work early since it was a holiday weekend - and we made pizza for dinner for the parents! Saturday morning Uncle Robbie & Aunt Jenna came over. (They drove down on Friday but by the time they got in we were already in bed). Mark & I went to the gym. I lifted for the 1st time in months! And then we went down to the trail to go for a run. Got home from that, and we decided to go into Old Town to grab some lunch, and walk around for a bit! It was gorgeous outside. We grilled for dinner, and then built a little fire and sat out back all night.
Sunday - Mark & I went to the gym again, and then we all went to Southside for brunch. We then attempted to go canoeing - but apparently you needed reservations to do that, and had no boats available. So we didn't get to go. We were all looking forward to doing that, so we were pretty bummed when we heard we couldn't :( We grilled again for dinner - turkey burgers. And then we had to say good-bye to Rob & Jenna :( Mom & Dad stayed with Jim while Mark & I walked down the road to Eric's for his b-bque he was having.

Monday morning the parents stopped by and hung out with Jim before we said our good-byes so they could make it back up to BWI to catch their flight home.

We had a great weekend with them all in town!! It was a wamr & sunny weekend - and Jim tried out his new clothes! He sure is styling!