

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We had visitors this past weekend - and had a great time with them!

Grandma & Papa flew down from Buffalo on Friday. They got here and babysat Jim while I ran to Kohl's, and got my haircut! He behaved himself for them. Mark got home from work early since it was a holiday weekend - and we made pizza for dinner for the parents! Saturday morning Uncle Robbie & Aunt Jenna came over. (They drove down on Friday but by the time they got in we were already in bed). Mark & I went to the gym. I lifted for the 1st time in months! And then we went down to the trail to go for a run. Got home from that, and we decided to go into Old Town to grab some lunch, and walk around for a bit! It was gorgeous outside. We grilled for dinner, and then built a little fire and sat out back all night.
Sunday - Mark & I went to the gym again, and then we all went to Southside for brunch. We then attempted to go canoeing - but apparently you needed reservations to do that, and had no boats available. So we didn't get to go. We were all looking forward to doing that, so we were pretty bummed when we heard we couldn't :( We grilled again for dinner - turkey burgers. And then we had to say good-bye to Rob & Jenna :( Mom & Dad stayed with Jim while Mark & I walked down the road to Eric's for his b-bque he was having.

Monday morning the parents stopped by and hung out with Jim before we said our good-byes so they could make it back up to BWI to catch their flight home.

We had a great weekend with them all in town!! It was a wamr & sunny weekend - and Jim tried out his new clothes! He sure is styling!

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