

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jim's first trip to the beach...

We took Jim to the beach for the 1st time this past weekend. Okay, there really much beach visiting at all.

We had a late start Saturday morning because Jim was not happy. We were hoping to feed him again around 8 or 9 and get on the road after that. But for some reason he did not want to nurse, and did not want to calm down. We finally got him to calm down and everything - and got on the road after 10:00. We made it over the Bay Bridge with no problems, but then hit traffic, and our 2 hour drive turned into 4 hours. Not fun at all!!!

We made it to Kristin's place and hung out for awhile, then made our way to Rehoboth for dinner at Dogfish Head. And then we finally made it to the beach. He loved sticking his feet in the sand! But he wasn't too sure what to think about the water. I think it may had been a little too cold for him.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Jim Rolls Over!!!

Jim rolled over for the first time!!!

He had been pretty good at rolling from his back onto his side. And we knew it wouldn't be long before he'd get all the way to his stomach. And he finally did it!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Family Reunion

It was the 3rd Annual DiLoreto family reunion this past weekend. We drove up to Pittsburgh Friday evening (it was Jim's first road trip, and we weren't sure how he was going to do in the car for a long time, so we figured we would break it up. Which, he actually did pretty well with! There was a bout of crying, which made for a quick stop so I could sit in the back with him. But other than that, not terrible.

Saturday we drove up to Erie and went and visited with Nana & Papa. Nana got to hold Jim for awhile, and we all sang a bunch of Nursery Rhymes together. After that we went to Grandma's - and Jim got to meet a bunch of people there (Great Grandma, Aunt Mary Beth, Aunt Judy, Donna, Ryan, Christopher, Michael. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone - but it was great getting to visit with all of them!

And then we made our way to the Family Reunion, where Jim got to meet lots of wonderful people! I'm very glad we were able to make it up for the reunion. It was a great weekend!!!

Allison was in charge of the camera all weekend, and I don't have any pictures saved on my computer here at home. So if anyone wants to see the wonderful pictures that we have, let me know and I can send you the link to them all!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lots of catching up to do...

I've been a slacker with updating Jim's Blog.

Check back for some new posts to include our latest highlights:

- The rest of Aunt Ashley's visit

- Aunt Allison comes to visit

- Grandma comes to visit

- Jim's 1st 4th of July

- Nanny & Papa come to visit

- Jim turns 3 months!

- Jim starts daycare

I'll probably back-date be sure to keep scrolling down. Hopefully the'll be done by this weekend...

Happy 4th of July!!!

Jim enjoyed his first Fourth of July - and Mom & Dad both enjoyed an extra long weekend with him.

On Saturday we made our way back up to BWI to drop Grandma off at the airport. It was sad to see her go :( And it was sad that we weren't picking someone else up at the airport.

We ended up stopping by our new neighbors for a beer...then went to down to Eric's for a bit. He had people over and were playing beer pong. Mark & I won the one game we played - made it even a better win because I was wearing Jim. Then we made our way down to the Marina to watch the fireworks that the Country Club left off.

Sunday was the 4th. We wished Uncle Robbie a Happy Birthday!! And spent the day hanging out together. We decided to make our way down to the marina again for the fireworks. Jim was pretty much asleep when we left. We parked, got him out and put him in his stroller, and we had to walk up the parkway. Got to see the Mall fireworks, and then fireworks from the National Harbor...which Jim proceeded to sleep through it all. We made our way back home and sat out on the front porch watching people in the neighborhood shoot off fireworks.

And then Monday we had off, and just enjoyed our day together!

Jim's 3 Months!!!!!

Happy 3 Month Birthday to Jim!!!!! No check-up this month for him. He goes back for his 4 month visit, so I'll be sure to update his stats then. I'm guessing though he's around 13 pounds or so.

What Jim's doing at 3 Months:

- He's eating 4-5 oz every 3 hours during the day (3 times) and I feed him first thing in the morning, and 2 or 3 times in the afternoon.

- He sleeps like a champ! Going down around 9:00ish, and sleeps right through until we wake him up at 5:00ish

- Still fits into 0-3 month clothes, but they are starting to get snugger on him. And his 3-6 month clothes are fitting him better.

- He smiles all the time; and has even started to giggle for us.

- His head has gotten stronger and stronger. He enjoys his tummy time for a couple of minutes. But still hasn't gotten to the point of rolling over yet

- Absolutley LOVES his play mat. He could lay on that thing and stare at his musical/light up globe for hours. And has very dear friend - Mr. Panada!

- Loves his Otto Mobile, and loves staring at the fans in our bedroom.

- He can take little steps like he's walking. This of course as you're holding him and supporting him.

Monday, July 12, 2010

First day at DayCare

Jim's first day of daycare was today.

Mark & I both dropped him off. We put everything (diapers, extra clothes, etc.) into his little cubby hole. Put his toys & blankets into his crib. Chatted with Ms. Fabilio for a couple minutes. And then had to say good-bye. That was no fun.

I think he had a pretty good day! When I picked him up in the afternoon, Ms. Patrice said he did very well. He was very happy, and barely cried. So I'm glad my little one had a good first day :)