

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jim's 3 Months!!!!!

Happy 3 Month Birthday to Jim!!!!! No check-up this month for him. He goes back for his 4 month visit, so I'll be sure to update his stats then. I'm guessing though he's around 13 pounds or so.

What Jim's doing at 3 Months:

- He's eating 4-5 oz every 3 hours during the day (3 times) and I feed him first thing in the morning, and 2 or 3 times in the afternoon.

- He sleeps like a champ! Going down around 9:00ish, and sleeps right through until we wake him up at 5:00ish

- Still fits into 0-3 month clothes, but they are starting to get snugger on him. And his 3-6 month clothes are fitting him better.

- He smiles all the time; and has even started to giggle for us.

- His head has gotten stronger and stronger. He enjoys his tummy time for a couple of minutes. But still hasn't gotten to the point of rolling over yet

- Absolutley LOVES his play mat. He could lay on that thing and stare at his musical/light up globe for hours. And has very dear friend - Mr. Panada!

- Loves his Otto Mobile, and loves staring at the fans in our bedroom.

- He can take little steps like he's walking. This of course as you're holding him and supporting him.

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