

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Road Trip

We went north this weekend. It was Jim's first stay in a hotel!!!

We left Friday and made our way on up to Park Ridge NJ. Met up with Nanny & Papa who drove in so they could babysit Jim while we went to Odette's wedding.
Jim wasn't a big fan of sleeping in a hotel. It was either that, or not being a big fan of his Pack 'N Play. So he ended up in bed with us both nights.
Odette's wedding was awesome. Think that's the one and only wedding I'll be able to say -- I saw someone get married on Broadway!!! CONGRATULATIONS to Odette & Todd!!!
Sunday we drove up to Albany so Jim could meet his Great Grandfather, as well as many wonderful aunts, uncles, and cousins. We had a GREAT time!!!
The drive home on Monday wasn't bad at all. I think we were prepared for a lot worse - but Jim slept pretty much the entire way home.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grandma & Papa visit

We've been busy - Aunt Jenna left on Sunday, and then on Thursday Grandma and Papa flew down to spend a couple days with their grandson. Again, Jim got out of daycare early on Thursday, and didn't have to go on Friday - what a lucky boy he is! He was able to stay home and spend some time with his grandparents. Again, he was wonderful, and I think the 3 of them enjoyed their time together.
Went back into Old Town Saturday morning to the Farmer's Market with mom. And then Mark & I went to the gym & for a run together. Mark took care of yard work, and I ran some errands while Grandma & Papa watched Jim. We then went down to Old Town for a yummy dinner; and then walked around the water for a bit before making our way back home.
Sunday morning we went to Church. And then Mark & I went to the gym & for another run. And then the 5 of us went to Southside for brunch. And then we had to say our good-byes to Grandma & Papa as they had to make their way back up to BWI to catch their plane home.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Aunt Jenna's Visit

We were hoping that Aunt Jenna would've been able to spend a week with Jim just before going back to daycare, but that didn't work out. They had been saving a spot for Jim, and we tried to push it back 2 weeks (one week for Mark's parents, and one week for Jenna) but they said they couldn't do that. So instead Jenna came out for a couple days this past week.
Despite Jim being forced to wear Pitt clothes - we had a GREAT time with Aunt Jenna!!! (Okay, Okay, the Pitt clothes weren't all that bad. It was pretty funny..Jenna would dress him in the Pitt stuff they got for him; and then when she was in the shower, I would hurry up and dress him in all ORANGE!

She drove down on Wednesday, and I picked Jim up from daycare, and they spent Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday together. Jim was a very good boy! Saturday morning Jenna and I went into Old Town to the Farmer's Market and bought some fruits & veggies. Mark & I were able to go to the gym & for a run together. And then the 4 of us went to Overwood for a delicious dinner.
We are truly blessed to have such wonderful family! Who love coming to visit and spend time with Jim. He surely is one lucky boy!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Picture Update!

I figure since I haven't been very good at keeping up to date with this lately, I would do a picture post of some of my favorite pictures of Jim in the past week or so. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy 4 Months!!!

Happy 4 months Jim!!!
Jim had his 4 month check-up today, which went very well. Another clean bill of health! And our Doctor said that Jim was pretty advanced. (She was trying to get him to sit up so she could listen to his chest and he decided to try to stand instead). It was another round of shots for him, and he was a brave boy again! He cried a little bit, but not for very long. He sure is wonderful!!! His stats are:

Head - 16 1/2" - 50th Percentile

Height - 25 1/4" - 75th Percentile

Weight - 14lbs. 8.5oz. - 50th Percentile

He was in the same exact percentiles @ his 2 month check-up, so he's growing right on track. Still going to be our tall, skinny boy :)

What Jim's doing at 4 months:

- He can roll over! He's mastered the back to tummy roll. Now we need to get him to go from tummy to back.

- He's found his feet, and loves to play with them, and has even been able to put him in his mouth!

- He's out of his 0-3 months clothes, and is wearing 3-6 months.

- Still the same eating pattern - 5:00, then 3 bottles @ daycare (about 5 oz), and then 2 more times when we get home.

- Still sleeping through the night like a champ!! Down around 9:00, and we wake him up at 5:00.

- He's smiling all the time, and laughs a lot! Have to say that's one wonderful sound :)

- We put together his Exercauser, and he loves to play in that!

- Still doing great at Daycare. His teachers love him!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

I haven't forgotten

We haven't forgotten about this blog. I have probably 1/2 dozen posts that are all written up, but want to attach the pictures to go along with those. Having a little one defitinley keeps your hands full.
But to hold everyone over until I do get around to posting those - I thought I'd share this adorable picture of Jim after his bath last night. How cute is that?!