

Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy 4 Months!!!

Happy 4 months Jim!!!
Jim had his 4 month check-up today, which went very well. Another clean bill of health! And our Doctor said that Jim was pretty advanced. (She was trying to get him to sit up so she could listen to his chest and he decided to try to stand instead). It was another round of shots for him, and he was a brave boy again! He cried a little bit, but not for very long. He sure is wonderful!!! His stats are:

Head - 16 1/2" - 50th Percentile

Height - 25 1/4" - 75th Percentile

Weight - 14lbs. 8.5oz. - 50th Percentile

He was in the same exact percentiles @ his 2 month check-up, so he's growing right on track. Still going to be our tall, skinny boy :)

What Jim's doing at 4 months:

- He can roll over! He's mastered the back to tummy roll. Now we need to get him to go from tummy to back.

- He's found his feet, and loves to play with them, and has even been able to put him in his mouth!

- He's out of his 0-3 months clothes, and is wearing 3-6 months.

- Still the same eating pattern - 5:00, then 3 bottles @ daycare (about 5 oz), and then 2 more times when we get home.

- Still sleeping through the night like a champ!! Down around 9:00, and we wake him up at 5:00.

- He's smiling all the time, and laughs a lot! Have to say that's one wonderful sound :)

- We put together his Exercauser, and he loves to play in that!

- Still doing great at Daycare. His teachers love him!!

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