

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grandma & Papa visit

We've been busy - Aunt Jenna left on Sunday, and then on Thursday Grandma and Papa flew down to spend a couple days with their grandson. Again, Jim got out of daycare early on Thursday, and didn't have to go on Friday - what a lucky boy he is! He was able to stay home and spend some time with his grandparents. Again, he was wonderful, and I think the 3 of them enjoyed their time together.
Went back into Old Town Saturday morning to the Farmer's Market with mom. And then Mark & I went to the gym & for a run together. Mark took care of yard work, and I ran some errands while Grandma & Papa watched Jim. We then went down to Old Town for a yummy dinner; and then walked around the water for a bit before making our way back home.
Sunday morning we went to Church. And then Mark & I went to the gym & for another run. And then the 5 of us went to Southside for brunch. And then we had to say our good-byes to Grandma & Papa as they had to make their way back up to BWI to catch their plane home.

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