

Friday, March 25, 2011

Just another picture update

I don't really have anything new to report. Like I have done in the past, I will leave you with some pictures from the last week or two.
Jim got into his box of smiley cookies, and started to shake them. And before we knew it, there were smiley faces all over the floor. Mommy needs to do a better job keeping things closed up good.His shirt says 'Mom's Lucky Charm' - just a cute picture of him playing outside on St. Patrick's Day!I love this picture of him and his big eyes! And wonderful smile!
I see a lot of this when I'm fixing dinner. He's usually out in the family room playing, but then he wants to come see what I'm doing. Love how his feet are sticking through the gate.
Just a close-up of Jim watching me fix dinner.
How big is Jim?!?! This is the response we get when we ask him! How cute is he?

Monday, March 21, 2011

3 weeks

Can you believe only 3 more weeks until Jim's first birthday?!?! Crazy how fast time flies. We sure are enjoying every second of it though!! Just thought I'd leave you with two pictures of my handsome little man! (pictures taken courtesy of Aunt Allison :) )

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aunt Allison visits!!!

Aunt Allison came down and spent an entire week with Jim!! She flew in Friday evening (which she made us miss the 1st half of the Syracuse basketball game...We did make it home for the 2nd half and OT, which we then lost...) And stayed until the following Saturday. I think it's safe to say she had a wonderful time with Jim!! And Jim had a great time with her.
It was nice for him to be at home for the week too, hopefully he's finally getting rid of his cold. The weather was pretty nice so the two of them got outside for some runs and for some playing! We're so lucky that she came down to visit!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy 11 Months Jim!

My oh my, what a busy busy baby you are Jim!!! He's always on the go, playing with whatever he can get his hands on; whether it be his toys, the kitchen chairs, his high chair, the vacuum, shoes, you name he's playing with it!

And my oh my, how is it that you're one month away from being 1?!?! It's been an amazing 11 months with you Jim - and I can only see it getting better and better!

What Jim is up to at 11 months:

- He's WALKING!!!!!!!!

- Loves to read books! And has become a lot more vocal while he's reading.

- Has 6 teeth now - 4 on top and 2 on the bottom.

- Wearing size 4 diapers.

- Mainly wears 12 month clothes; but has worn and fit into some 18 month stuff.

- Still is nursing once in the AM and then once in the evening. And will have 3 bottles at daycare.

- Loves to eat pretty much anything and everything! I think I've said this before, I haven't found a food he doesn't like to eat.

- When we ask him where mommy's nose is, he knows!! (We're still working on him showing us where Jim's nose is...)

- Waves bye-bye, and even says 'bye' when doing that!

- Still gets very excited when Dad walks in the door from work! I can hear his truck pulling in, and I go to Jim 'Jim, who's home?' and he looks right at the front door looking for him.

- Doesn't really have a set bedtime. One week he was going to bed at 9:30, but this past week it's been 8:30. He goes down and sleeps until we wake him up around 5-5:30.

- Went to the doctor on Thursday and he weighed 22 pounds.

Friday, March 11, 2011

He's a walking machine!

Jim is a walking machine! He's all over the place now. Last night he was walking around, and even did a little 360 to get going in the other direction.

I love these pictures I took of him the other night. Look at the determination... and the concentration on his face...And how incredibly proud he is! It's awesome!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

We have a walker

As Mark said on Wednesday night - we now have a professional walker on our hands!!!! He's getting more and more confident everyday. It started off that Jim would only walk between Mark & I...but now he's getting to the point where he'll let go of whatever he's holding on to and walk towards us.

Here's a video I got of him walking the other day!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Just a couple pictures from this week...

I figure everyone loves to come on here and see pictures of Jim - so I'd update with a couple pictures I took this week. Jim looked so handsome in his little polo shirt and jeans the other day, and looked so grown up. He certainly is a cutie!!
Look at that little tongue of his. He's been sticking it out more and more. I think it's his sign that he's concentrating very hard on something.
He loves to read books!!! We have a basket of books downstairs for him, and he loves to pull that out and take one book at a time and read it. He can entertain himself for a long time reading!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Syracuse vs. Georgetown

This past weekend was the Syracuse vs. Georgetown basketball game down here in D.C. We tried to get tickets to it but Georgetown made it very difficult for Syracuse fans to get tickets. They didn't want the arena to be half full with Orange fans! We went down to Clyde's right next to the Verizon Center and watched the game there. The place was packed. We had a good time visiting with a bunch of people and watching Syracuse win!
After the game we walked to Irish Times and hung out there for awhile. And through all of this Jim was wonderful!! At first I wasn't sure how he was going to do lasting through the game at the bar, but he made it through that, and then made it a couple more hours longer! What a good little boy we have. (Okay, not a good boy, but a GREAT boy!) He was a trooper - even falling asleep for a little nap in Clyde's right when the game ended and the placed was filling up, and very loud.