

Friday, March 25, 2011

Just another picture update

I don't really have anything new to report. Like I have done in the past, I will leave you with some pictures from the last week or two.
Jim got into his box of smiley cookies, and started to shake them. And before we knew it, there were smiley faces all over the floor. Mommy needs to do a better job keeping things closed up good.His shirt says 'Mom's Lucky Charm' - just a cute picture of him playing outside on St. Patrick's Day!I love this picture of him and his big eyes! And wonderful smile!
I see a lot of this when I'm fixing dinner. He's usually out in the family room playing, but then he wants to come see what I'm doing. Love how his feet are sticking through the gate.
Just a close-up of Jim watching me fix dinner.
How big is Jim?!?! This is the response we get when we ask him! How cute is he?

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