

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I love this video of Jim! I just discovered on Sunday that he knew what a chicken says, and even makes the arm motions to go along with it. We were eating chicken nuggets for lunch, and I go "Jim, eat your chicken" and then next thing you know he's bocking like a chicken and making the motions as well. What a smart little boy!

Anyways, I tried to get it on video - and here it is. Funny story about this, I watched it again, and Jim was watching with me. About 5 seconds before the alarm goes off in the video, Jim puts his hands over his ears (he knows its coming) and then when it gets to that part in the video he starts cracking up.

Here you go:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This past weekend we went up to Buffalo for a nice long weekend. We left bright and early Thursday morning, making it up there in 8 hours (stopping once for lunch, and once for gas). Jim was wonderful in the car!!! The only time he fussed was when I turned his movie off (I know, bad mommy) -- but I thought he was sleepy and was staying awake because he was enjoying his truck movie. I turned it back on for him, and sure enough 1/2 hour later he was out. Everyone at home was very excited to play with Jim - and Thursday we spent the afternoon doing just that!
Friday morning we got up and enjoyed breakfast at the Pancake House. Ashley and Mom both took the day off of work - so they were able to hang out with us. Allison doesn't have class on Friday, and with Dad being retired - we all got to spend the day together! After breakfast the girls took Jim to do some apple picking. I think he was more interested in the animals that were there (turkeys...goats...) and the tractors, and just having room to run around, than actually picking apples. But that really didn't surprise me much! Once we got home from that, we pretty much just spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out! Chris came over for dinner, which was very yummy, some chicken, potatoes, corn, etc...And then you should have heard how hard he was getting Jim to crack up laughing! It was awesome!

Saturday morning we got up, mom cooked us all breakfast...and then Mom, Dad, Allison, Mark & I took Jim to the Buffalo zoo. Ashley had to 'work', and Rob & Jenna couldn't make it up until later in the afternoon because Jenna 'had something for school...' We tricked Mom & Dad. While we were at the zoo, the three of them were setting up for their surprise 60th Birthday Party!!! We all had a good time at the zoo - Jim was into the animals, pointing to them! And making the sounds of the ones he knew! He got pretty warn out towards the end. We had pretty good timing, leaving the zoo at 1:00 giving us enough time to get home for the surprise at 1:30. They had no idea we were planning a party for them - and were super surprised! It was great getting to see everyone! And we partied the afternoon away!
(When I get home I will have to upload some pictures to go along with this!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

17 Months

How can you be one month away from being a year and a half?! That just seems so old. My how you are growing and changing.
- Wearing a combination of size 4 & 5 diapers. 4's still fit him - but I bought a box of 5's, and those fit him as well.

- Is very good at throwing your dirty clothes in the laundry basket!

- Wearing mainly 2T clothes. You even fit into some 3T stuff!

- Goes to bed at 9:00. He had been falling asleep in our bed after reading together - but we've stopped that, and it's still a little struggle, but he's falling asleep in his crib!

- I wish the mosquitoes would go away - you love, love, love playing outside! And are not a fan of having to come in for dinner...

- Love to throw balls all over the place. They asked at daycare if you and Mark go outside and do that, because you're throwing everything there. We're working on just keeping it to balls, and not other toys.

- You love to read! Some of your favorite books are anything with Elmo in it! Your 'I Really Like Trucks' Book; 'Good Boy Fergis' just to name a few!

Can't wait to see what the next month brings us!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Syracuse and Castile

This past weekend we made our way to Upstate NY. We left bright and early Thursday morning driving up to Syracuse. We parked at the hotel and then we walked up to M-Street for a bit. Got a couple things from Manny's, and then got a slice of pizza from Varsity. We made our way back to the hotel to meet up with mom & Dad. Got checked in, and then made our way back up to M-Street getting lunch/dinner at Faegan's...Mark & Dad got a beer outside at the Sheraton...and then we hung out on the quad for a bit before Mom & Dad took Jim back to the hotel and we went to the game. Syracuse ended up pulling out the win in overtime, but it got a little ugly in there. I think Mom & Dad had a great time with Jim!!!! And we're very thankful that they came up to watch him so Mark & I could enjoy the game.

Friday morning we got up, stopping for breakfast at a rest area, and then drove to Mark's parents house. Mark & his dad went golfing in the afternoon...and Jim enjoyed playing outside. He and Maddy got along just fine - everytime Jim saw her he would start his barking! He also got to take a couple of tractor rides around the yard. He was a big fan of the tractor!

Saturday we went to Hidden Valley Animal Adventure. We took a ride through the park - getting up close to a bunch of the animals. They would walk right up to the wagon/safari ride thing that we were on...and would eat food right out of the cups that they gave to us. I think Jim enjoyed himself! He would stand up look at the animals and point at them! It was a pretty cool place. There was a little petting area too. Jim walked up there, touch the donkeys (I think that's what they were?!)

All in all we had a great trip up to New York! It was great getting to see everyone!