

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

17 Months

How can you be one month away from being a year and a half?! That just seems so old. My how you are growing and changing.
- Wearing a combination of size 4 & 5 diapers. 4's still fit him - but I bought a box of 5's, and those fit him as well.

- Is very good at throwing your dirty clothes in the laundry basket!

- Wearing mainly 2T clothes. You even fit into some 3T stuff!

- Goes to bed at 9:00. He had been falling asleep in our bed after reading together - but we've stopped that, and it's still a little struggle, but he's falling asleep in his crib!

- I wish the mosquitoes would go away - you love, love, love playing outside! And are not a fan of having to come in for dinner...

- Love to throw balls all over the place. They asked at daycare if you and Mark go outside and do that, because you're throwing everything there. We're working on just keeping it to balls, and not other toys.

- You love to read! Some of your favorite books are anything with Elmo in it! Your 'I Really Like Trucks' Book; 'Good Boy Fergis' just to name a few!

Can't wait to see what the next month brings us!!!

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