

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Syracuse and Castile

This past weekend we made our way to Upstate NY. We left bright and early Thursday morning driving up to Syracuse. We parked at the hotel and then we walked up to M-Street for a bit. Got a couple things from Manny's, and then got a slice of pizza from Varsity. We made our way back to the hotel to meet up with mom & Dad. Got checked in, and then made our way back up to M-Street getting lunch/dinner at Faegan's...Mark & Dad got a beer outside at the Sheraton...and then we hung out on the quad for a bit before Mom & Dad took Jim back to the hotel and we went to the game. Syracuse ended up pulling out the win in overtime, but it got a little ugly in there. I think Mom & Dad had a great time with Jim!!!! And we're very thankful that they came up to watch him so Mark & I could enjoy the game.

Friday morning we got up, stopping for breakfast at a rest area, and then drove to Mark's parents house. Mark & his dad went golfing in the afternoon...and Jim enjoyed playing outside. He and Maddy got along just fine - everytime Jim saw her he would start his barking! He also got to take a couple of tractor rides around the yard. He was a big fan of the tractor!

Saturday we went to Hidden Valley Animal Adventure. We took a ride through the park - getting up close to a bunch of the animals. They would walk right up to the wagon/safari ride thing that we were on...and would eat food right out of the cups that they gave to us. I think Jim enjoyed himself! He would stand up look at the animals and point at them! It was a pretty cool place. There was a little petting area too. Jim walked up there, touch the donkeys (I think that's what they were?!)

All in all we had a great trip up to New York! It was great getting to see everyone!

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