

Monday, October 17, 2011

18 Month Stats

Jim went to the doctor for his 18 month check-up last week - and as usual, another clean bill of health. The poor guy had to get 4 shots though...He got a flu shot, Hepatitis A & B, and the Hib.

His 18 month stats:

- Head - 19" - 64th percentile

- Height - 33" - 71st percentile

- Weight - 26lbs. 14.6 ozs. - 64th percentile

We don't have to go back again for another 6 months - for his 2 year check-up!

And to leave you with a picture from this past weekend. Jim loves watching a truck video I found on you tube. And every time he sees the computer now, he says truck, truck, truck, wanting to watch the video. He's hooked. And he's gotten very good at pulling the computer up on his lap to where he's comfortable!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Baby Brother

Mark, Jim, and myself went for our ultrasound on Monday. (Mark took the day off because daycare was closed for Columbus day, hence the family outing.) And we found out Jim is going to have a baby BROTHER!!!!! We are all very excited about this! (Of course we would have been just as excited if baby #2 was a girl!) But I think it'll be perfect having the two boys growing up so close in age. The baby was measuring right around 19 weeks 3 days - so it's looking like it'll be the beginning of March!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Year and A Half

I can't believe my baby boy is a year and a half already!!!! He's not really my baby boy anymore. It's amazing how much you've grown, and how you change almost daily. You really are learning more and more!
- You are mastering catching a ball. We tell you to catch, and you put your hands out to catch it!

- You are obsessed with your lawn mower...Actually I think you're loving daddy's lawn mower a little bit more now. You'll stand in the family room and look outside and say lawn mower.

- You love being outside - whether it's mowing the lawn...coloring with chalk...blowing bubbles...going for a walk...or just running around. You tend to throw a little fit when it's time to go inside. But I can't complain about that!
- You are very good with making all your animal sounds. I think my favorites are owl - you say 'owl'...and when you make the noise and motion of a chicken...Whenever you see a lion (like on your pj's, or even on TV) you will roar like one.

- I've started to give you gummy bear vitamins - and you love them. I think you want a whole lot more than the two I give you. You know exactly where I keep them and are always pointing to the cupboard when you are in the kitchen.

- We go to the doctor today for your 18 month check-up, so we should get better stats - but according to the scale at home, which you love standing on, you are 28 pounds.

- You love to color!

- When you are done with dinner, you ask for one of your Elmo napkins, and wipe you face and hands clean.

- Wears a combination of 2T and 3T clothes. PJ's are 3T.

- Wearing size 5 diaper...Size 7 shoes...

- He knows where his baby brother is!! And when I ask him, he will lift up my shirt and give my belly a kiss - too sweet :)

- I can go on and on with all the things you are doing!!! I love you so much!!!!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall is here!!!

It definitely felt like fall was here this past weekend. Saturday was rainy and cool, but Sunday the sun was out and we were able to enjoy sometime outside! It was nice not getting attacked by mosquitoes. Think the cooler weather scared them off. Here are a couple of pictures of Jim enjoying outside!

He's watching Mark mow the lawn here:
Can you tell someone is very happy to be outside! And see what I mean about it being a little cooler. I think Jim knew it - he didn't try taking his hood off!
And finally doing what he does best - mowing the lawn! He loves it! And he loves seeing Mark's lawn mower. He also likes saying lawn mower!
Monday morning we were in the living room eating breakfast, and he kept pointing to the window saying lawn mower. Guess he did have a lot of fun out there on Sunday and wanted to go back out!