

Monday, October 17, 2011

18 Month Stats

Jim went to the doctor for his 18 month check-up last week - and as usual, another clean bill of health. The poor guy had to get 4 shots though...He got a flu shot, Hepatitis A & B, and the Hib.

His 18 month stats:

- Head - 19" - 64th percentile

- Height - 33" - 71st percentile

- Weight - 26lbs. 14.6 ozs. - 64th percentile

We don't have to go back again for another 6 months - for his 2 year check-up!

And to leave you with a picture from this past weekend. Jim loves watching a truck video I found on you tube. And every time he sees the computer now, he says truck, truck, truck, wanting to watch the video. He's hooked. And he's gotten very good at pulling the computer up on his lap to where he's comfortable!

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