

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Year and A Half

I can't believe my baby boy is a year and a half already!!!! He's not really my baby boy anymore. It's amazing how much you've grown, and how you change almost daily. You really are learning more and more!
- You are mastering catching a ball. We tell you to catch, and you put your hands out to catch it!

- You are obsessed with your lawn mower...Actually I think you're loving daddy's lawn mower a little bit more now. You'll stand in the family room and look outside and say lawn mower.

- You love being outside - whether it's mowing the lawn...coloring with chalk...blowing bubbles...going for a walk...or just running around. You tend to throw a little fit when it's time to go inside. But I can't complain about that!
- You are very good with making all your animal sounds. I think my favorites are owl - you say 'owl'...and when you make the noise and motion of a chicken...Whenever you see a lion (like on your pj's, or even on TV) you will roar like one.

- I've started to give you gummy bear vitamins - and you love them. I think you want a whole lot more than the two I give you. You know exactly where I keep them and are always pointing to the cupboard when you are in the kitchen.

- We go to the doctor today for your 18 month check-up, so we should get better stats - but according to the scale at home, which you love standing on, you are 28 pounds.

- You love to color!

- When you are done with dinner, you ask for one of your Elmo napkins, and wipe you face and hands clean.

- Wears a combination of 2T and 3T clothes. PJ's are 3T.

- Wearing size 5 diaper...Size 7 shoes...

- He knows where his baby brother is!! And when I ask him, he will lift up my shirt and give my belly a kiss - too sweet :)

- I can go on and on with all the things you are doing!!! I love you so much!!!!!!

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