

Monday, November 14, 2011

19 Months...

Just a random list of what Jim is up to at 19 months...

- Still has 12 teeth.  Hasn't had any new ones come in in quite some time.  Am starting to wonder if his eye teeth are going to start coming in soon.

-  As you can tell by the picture above, he absolutely loves being outside!  I think I have said this many times before, but it's wonderful!

-  Another love of his is trucks.  He loves this truck video we found on you tube, and every time he sees us on the computer he asks for trucks...And he loves playing with all the trucks he has!

-  Still is a big fan of reading!  Think his favorite books at the moment are anything that has to do with trucks.  (See, he loves his trucks!!!)

-  Some of his new words as of late - stroller, steam roller, bulldozer, excavator (are you noticing a theme here?!), yellow...just to name a few...

-  He is very good at saying please when he wants something.  (Or if he forgets, we remind him and he says it!)

-  Loves to eat pretty much everything!  And loves drinking his milk!

I know I can go on and on...but we'll leave it at this for now...Looking forward to seeing what the next month brings us!!!!

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