

Monday, November 7, 2011

Marathon Weekend

Last weekend the family came into town to cheer on Ashley & Allison running the Marine Corps Marathon.
They flew in Thursday evening, and got to spend Friday hanging out with Jim. He was a huge fan of the new trucks that he got!!!!
I left work early, and we stopped to get a pumpkin for Jim, and then made our way into D.C. so the girls could pick up their race packets. We grilled turkey burgers for dinner. Our house is great now that we have all the extra room! We had 10 people over and we didn't feel like we were on top of each other.
Saturday was more hanging out...A trip into Old Town to do some shopping at the Gap...We attempted to carve a pumpkin, which Jim didn't want anything to do with so we let him color it instead...Enjoyed some pizza for dinner...And just enjoyed hanging out with one another.
Sunday was the marathon. I dropped the girls off at 6AM, and then we made our way into the city at 9:00 to find a spot to watch them. We saw them at miles 18 & 19, both on the mall, both running together, and then again at mile 26. It was pretty crazy at the finish - but we found them, and made it home around 4:00. Enough time for them to shower, and then head to Southside for dinner. (It seems like we always end up there when they come to visit...)

We are so proud of the two of them for finishing the race!!!! Maybe I can convince them to do another one, and the three of us can run together :)

(It was really cold first thing in the AM, so we had Jim all bundled up...I had to take this picture of him in front to the Washington Monument. (Or the big stick as Ashley would say...))

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