

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy 8 Months Ben!!!

Can you believe it, 8 months already?!?!  This past month has been soooo much better!!!  He's back to his happy normal self. 

What Ben is up to at 8 months:

- He's a big cousin!!!!

- According to our scale at home he's 20 pounds.

- Is back to his great sleeping habits!!  We put him down at 9:00, and he gets up anywhere between 4:30 and 6:00.  I feed him, and then he goes right back down until 7:30-8:00.

- He has 4 teeth - the top 2 and bottom 2.

- He's on the move - crawling all over the place.  He's just doing the army crawl, but I have a feeling it won't be long and he'll be on his hands and knees crawling.

- Discovered how to clap - and loves doing that!

- Takes 2 naps a day - one around 10:00, that one is anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.  And then again after lunch time.  That one is anywhere from an hour to two hours.

- He's nursing 5 times a day and then gets his 3 meals of real food.  He loves to eat!! 

- He's such a happy baby!!  I think the only time he gets mad is when he's hungry or sleepy.

- Still wearing size 3 diapers, but once we are out of those we will be moving up to size 4's.

- Wearing 9 month clothes, as well as 12 month stuff. 

And like usual, I will leave you with his 8 month pictures. 
He's figured out how to take his sticker off - it makes for taking pictures a little more challenging!!

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