

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I think this will wrap up all the Halloween festivities that we did this past month.  It was so much fun being home with the boys and being able to do multiple things with them!!  It was great that they got more than one use out of their costume!

Halloween was a busy day for us.  We started our kitchen remodel!!  They came over and removed all the cabinets and everything - we now have an empty kitchen!  In the afternoon we went over to our friends house, and did a little trick-or-treating there.  It was fun to go out in the daylight!  (I took a couple of pictures, but they are on my other camera, so none of those today.)

Mark took off a little early, so he got home, we had dinner and then we took off for some Trick or Treating. The 4 of us went out together, and we went to 5 of our neighbor's houses first...Then Mark and Ben went back home.  Mark figured he'd go pass out candy while I took Jim out some more.  (We barely had any kids though, Mark thought maybe 3 groups of trick-or-treaters).  Jim loved it though!  He was running from one house to another.  And he knew if a house had it's lights off, they weren't home and we couldn't go to that house.  He would knock on the door, and tell everyone trick-or-treat.  Lots of fun!

They both won't look at the camera at the same time....So here's a good photo of Jim...and then a good one of Ben...just need to photoshop this picture and I'll have a good picture of both of them!
Here's Jim running to the next house....
And this is what Ben was doing when Jim & I came in from Trick-or-Treating...Just hanging out in his his high chair...playing trucks...
What a great day we had!!!!  They were both busy looking at Mark who was opening up a piece of chocolate for Jim!

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