

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

Mark ended up being off of work yesterday because of Hurricane Sandy.  He actually got to leave early on Monday as well, so we got to spend some extra time with him this week which was great!  Since he was home all day yesterday we ended up carving pumpkins together.  Had a great time doing that!  Jim had fun helping out as well!  As you can see in the pictures, he helped clean out the pumpkin...he helped carve it out...I think he had the most fun taking out the carved pieces!
Here's Jim helping me carve out the eyes...
Supervising his Dad's work...
How sweet is this 'lil Pumpkin?!?!
Jim checking out the light in the pumpkin...
The final product -
Four little pumpkins -
Ben gets very excited to be touching the pumpkin!!!

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