

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Jim is 2.5!!!!

I've been doing monthly updates of Ben - and I figured it was time to do a little update on Jim - and what perfect timing he just turned 2 1/2 (on 10-11-12!!!)

You love, love, love being outside!  Love playing get-you...playing your bike and truck...coloring with chalk...

You look forward to the weekends.  You know that on the weekend Daddy's going to be home and you get to do jobs together.  Some of these jobs include mowing the lawn (he follows Mark around the entire time with his lawn mower)...using the rake and shovel...using the lawn mower...using the ladder...cutting down branches...picking up leaves...using the weed wacker...and chain saw...using the broom...the list goes on and on.  And sure enough when we ask you what jobs you want to do you list all of those!!

You love your baby brother.  What a wonderful big brother you are!  You are such a big helper to us!  And are very good to Ben.  I love watching you two interact which is more and more everyday.  And  love the way you can make him laugh!

You are a great sleeper.  We go upstairs at 8:30 to start getting ready for bed.  PJ's, brush teeth, and then story time, before going down around 9:00.  (You love reading your dad's airplane books!)  And lately you've been sleeping until 8:00!

You're starting to recognize more and more letters...are counting up to 14, although lately you've decided to skip 5...

You really aren't interesting in potty training.  I can get you to use the big boy potty, and you have no problem with that.  But you aren't really telling us just yet when you need to go.  I know one of these days it's just going to click with you.

I am loving being home with both you and Ben!  We get to do so many fun activities together!  You love going for ride in mommy's car - whether it's to a friends house, to the playground, or some local activity!  We have a blast together.

You are a crazy boy!  You love taking all the cushions off the couch and jumping all over them!  You love climbing up the ladder when you're outside with dad...and just the other weekend I saw you climbing up the fence in the back.

You love anything and everything to do with trucks and trains!  You get so excited to see the garbage truck come by - and have even made friends with the garbage truck workers.  They are always waving to you, and you wave back to them.  You love seeing how many big trucks you can find when we're driving places.

What a wonderful little boy you are Jimma!!  We love you so much!!!!

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