

Monday, October 8, 2012

I finally realized why I was having such trouble uploading pictures.  Apparently I have reached my limit on the storage of pictures allowed.  I think I found a way to fix this - so stay tuned! 

I still need to catch up with our trip back up to New York in August...

Nothing overly exciting in September - lots of playdates and having fun with our friends!

And then I need to recap Grandma & Papa's October visit, as well as Aunt Ashley & Aunt Allison in town. 

I was hoping to get this all caught up before Ben's 7 month post - but I doubt that will happen.  So I may have to just work my way backwards. 

Okay, I may have lied about finding a way to fix posting pictures.  I'll have to keep working on that, and once I figure that out be prepared for lots of posts!  (I am only able to upload one...)

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