

Monday, October 22, 2012

Half Marathon

A couple of weeks ago grandma and papa came down for the week to visit!  They picked that week to come because we were running in the Wilson Bridge 1/2 Marathon on the 7th (what a great birthday present for Aunt Aldi!!)  It was going to be the 4 siblings running together but unfortunately Rob hurt his achilles and he postponed the race until next year - so it ended up being me, Ashley, and Allison.  (We missed having Rob & Jenna here!) 
For once when they were in town the weather wasn't extremely hot - so we all got to enjoy some time outside together!!  One afternoon we went to the playground down the road here - and everyone had a blast!  Jim played on the playground for a bit, and even got me and Papa to go down the slide...then Jim decided he wanted to run some bases - so everyone joined in on that fun and had a really good work out.  (It was pretty humid that day - hence why Jim is so sweaty!)
Another day we went to the playground in Old Town - and again Jim had a blast!  And Ben even got to play a little bit.  He had a great time on the swing!  And enjoyed a ride in the car!  I think he's going to love the playground as much as his big brother.
Ashley & Allison were both here on Friday - and we decided to take Jim & Ben to the pumpkin patch.  I think it's safe to say that everyone had a good time there!  That afternoon we went and registered for the race, and grandma cooked us a very good spaghetti dinner!  Aunt Judy drove up from NC to spend the weekend with us - it was great getting to see her!
Saturday we just decided to hang out!  The boys loved all the company, and it was gorgeous outside so there was lots of playing out back.  Me, Ashley, Mom, and Aunt Judy went into Old Town for a bit.  We had to make our usual trip to the GAP - followed by some cupcakes, a walk down to the water, capped off with a drink at Pat Troy's - and Aunt Judy's first shot of Irish Whiskey!  It was a great way to spend the afternoon! 
Sunday was the race - it was great seeing Mom, Dad, and Aunt Judy around the 7 mile mark.  They were cheering us all on!  And then Mark picked us up at the finish.  We came home, took shower, and putzed around for a bit.  We were going to do brunch at Southside, but decided to do dinner there instead.  And ended the evening with some Birthday cake and ice cream for the birthday girl! 

It was a great week and weekend, and as usual we loved having company here!  Thank you all for everything!!!!

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