

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ben is 7 Months!

Happy 7 months Benjamin!!!  It's hard to believe that it was 7 months ago when we were welcoming you into the world.  It's also hard to believe that he's now less than 1/2 a year away from being one!!!  How is that possible?  What a wonderful 7 months it has been!

This past month has been a little rough.  I think when I go to do his 8 month post there will be lots of new teeth to talk about!  I think he's having a hard time with teething.  Any day now and his top middle teeth should be breaking the surface.  And I'm wondering if it's more than just those 2.  I'm not sure if it was because of the teething or not, but he had a runny nose and a little cough for a week or so.  The poor guy was having trouble sleeping, often waking up a couple of times a night.  Waking up at all in the middle of the night is very unusual for Ben - as he's been sleeping through the night right off the bat!  But I am happy to say that his sleeping has gotten a lot better. 

What Ben is up to at 7 months:

- Has his 2 bottom middle teeth.  (And like I mentioned, he should be getting his top ones any day now!)

- He's gotten a lot better at solids!  He prefers his fruits over his veggies - and has tried bananas, apples, pears, mangoes, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans - all which he has loved!  He's not a big fan of zucchini, carrots or peas, which I think is more of a texture thing, they are a lot harder to puree smooth for him. 

- Wearing 9 month clothes.  (I packed up all his 6 month stuff last week :( )

- Still in size 3 diapers.

- His nap schedule is no longer.  With the cold / teething he's been sleeping all over the place.

- He's trying really hard to pull up on things.

- He can go from sitting to laying down - but hasn't figured out how to crawl yet.  He does scoot himself backwards - his preferred method of movement!

- He was 18 pounds on our scale here at home.

- No longer using his binky.  He was having a real hard time with it when he was stuffed up, and I've tried giving it to him a couple of times and he spits it right out.  The same thing happened with Jim around this time when he was getting his top teeth.  Not sure if it has bothered both of them when teething. 

Here are Ben's 7 month pictures.  Not sure why the last one won't post the correct way for me. 

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