

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ben's 15 Month

We just went to the doctor's today for Ben's 15 month check-up, and thought it'd be good to update that before too much time went by. Everything was fine at the doctor's - we have a healthy, happy boy on our hands!

Head - 19.5" - 97th percentile
Height - 31.5" - 54th percentile
Weight - 24lbs 1.1 ozs - 66th percentile

Just a couple of things that he's up to now at 15 months -

- He has 12 teeth - 4 on top, 4 on bottom, and then all 4 of his 1-year molars.  He got those super early, they started coming in shortly after his first birthday.  I didn't even realize he was teething - I looked in his mouth one day and realized he had new teeth in there!
- He loves, loves, loves his trucks!!!  That's one of the main words he says these days - 'trucks' and 'big trucks'. 

- Speaking of words - he also says bye-bye, uh-oh, touch, papa, ball, milk - I think those are his main words now.  He understands you very well, if I ask him if he wants to go outside, he'll shake his head, and then make his way over to the kitchen gate.

- He's trying to jump - it's pretty funny to watch him, he's got the movement down, but his feet don't quite leave the floor just yet.

- He's wearing either size 4 or 5 diapers.  Somedays I feel like the 4's are too small, and 5's are too big.  

- Wears 18 month, 24 month, and 2T clothes - really a mix.

- He's a little copy cat, and loves doing whatever his big brother is doing.

- Loves animals - it's so funny to hear him when we're out on a walk and we pass a squirrel or a dog - he starts 'talking' to them.  The same when we're reading a book that has animals in it, he gets super excited!

- We can't keep the bathroom door open.  Otherwise, he knows everytime it's left open and makes his way in there...shuts the door...and then when we find him he's standing there with a huge grin on his face.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm a slacker

Man, I guess I've been a bit of a slacker.  Here we are just 5 days left in June, and I haven't done an update all month!  And I only did one in May!  Guess my 2 boys have been keeping me busy.  We just got back home from an awesome time in Buffalo!! We had Allison's shower in Erie, and her Bachelorette party the weekend we were in town.  And just had a great time visiting with the family.  We ended the week with the whole family coming down here for Jim & Ben's baptism.  We had an amazing time with everyone!  And it was great to all be together.  It's hard to believe that in less than 2 months we'll be together again for Allison's big day!!!  It's just around the corner!

I will try my hardest to be a little better with this.  And will update later with pictures, because I know that's what everyone looks forward to!