

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ben's 15 Month

We just went to the doctor's today for Ben's 15 month check-up, and thought it'd be good to update that before too much time went by. Everything was fine at the doctor's - we have a healthy, happy boy on our hands!

Head - 19.5" - 97th percentile
Height - 31.5" - 54th percentile
Weight - 24lbs 1.1 ozs - 66th percentile

Just a couple of things that he's up to now at 15 months -

- He has 12 teeth - 4 on top, 4 on bottom, and then all 4 of his 1-year molars.  He got those super early, they started coming in shortly after his first birthday.  I didn't even realize he was teething - I looked in his mouth one day and realized he had new teeth in there!
- He loves, loves, loves his trucks!!!  That's one of the main words he says these days - 'trucks' and 'big trucks'. 

- Speaking of words - he also says bye-bye, uh-oh, touch, papa, ball, milk - I think those are his main words now.  He understands you very well, if I ask him if he wants to go outside, he'll shake his head, and then make his way over to the kitchen gate.

- He's trying to jump - it's pretty funny to watch him, he's got the movement down, but his feet don't quite leave the floor just yet.

- He's wearing either size 4 or 5 diapers.  Somedays I feel like the 4's are too small, and 5's are too big.  

- Wears 18 month, 24 month, and 2T clothes - really a mix.

- He's a little copy cat, and loves doing whatever his big brother is doing.

- Loves animals - it's so funny to hear him when we're out on a walk and we pass a squirrel or a dog - he starts 'talking' to them.  The same when we're reading a book that has animals in it, he gets super excited!

- We can't keep the bathroom door open.  Otherwise, he knows everytime it's left open and makes his way in there...shuts the door...and then when we find him he's standing there with a huge grin on his face.

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