

Monday, March 24, 2014

Ben's Birthday Celebration #1

We had a great visit with Grandma, Papa, and Aunt Ashley to celebrate Ben's 2nd Birthday!!  (And were sad that Aunt Ali didn't decide to call in sick and fly down Thursday night - but excited to be seeing her in a couple of weeks in Charleston!!)
They drove down on Thursday, and got in right around the same time the boys were getting up from their naps.  (Jim apparently was awake and watching out his window for them, because they were in the driveway - and he came downstairs all excited because they were here!)  But Thursday we just hung out.
Friday, after everyone got their workouts in (Jim joined Papa & I in an Insanity workout!), and I got Ben's birthday cake baked we decided to head into Old Town.  We just went to Cosi for lunch - was going to try BitterSweet Café, but they were busy and nowhere to sit.  And than after that we went to Paint This and the boys and Ashley both painted!  Jim did a fire truck piggy bank, Ben a race car one, and Ashley a pitcher with the boys handprints on it!  On our way home we had to make a stop at Target (requested by Jim) and they enjoyed checking out all the trucks!  
Saturday I finished up Ben's Birthday cake - a rainbow cake with a dump truck on it!  We went back into Old Town for lunch - eating at Chadwick's, and walking around a bit.  It was a really nice day!  The boys both fell asleep in the car, so we let them nap there.  They then got to see their birthday present - a new motorized pickup truck!  They love it!  After dinner we sang Happy Birthday to Ben!  And he got to open presents! 
We had a great visit with everyone, and very happy and thankful for them coming down for the weekend.

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