

Thursday, March 27, 2014

What Ben is up to at TWO!!!!!

- You are constantly looking up to your big brother, and always wanting to do what he does.
- You take after him, and love anything and everything with wheels - you love your trucks, cars, trains. 
- Your newest and favorite phrase is "I try that", or "I do that".  You want to try everything out yourself - and get very mad if we try to help you out.  One of your latest is climbing into your car seat all by yourself, just like Jim does!

- You like undressing yourself, again another one of your "I do that", you have to take your socks, pants, and shirt off...and then will try to dress yourself as well.  You're getting better and better everyday! 

- You're a very happy boy!  And are constantly on the go!  Very rarely do we find you sitting still, always playing with something. 

- You love being read to. 

- He's now in a big boy bed!  We converted his crib the other weekend, and now has the bed rail!  He's done very good with that.  Still lays right down at bedtime (9:00) and will wake up (7:00-7:15ish) and wait on the top of the stairs for us. 
- Is still a great napper.  Goes down after lunch time (1:30-2:00ish) and will nap for about an hour & half. 

- He's in 2T clothes, size 8 shoes - which I need to get him some new ones.  Size 5 diapers.

- Your eating goes in phases - some days you won't touch your dinner...but other nights you'll gobble it right up (like today you had salmon, cucumbers, a clementine, and lemon bread!)  You love your fruits and yogurt which I'd have to say are your favorite foods. 
- You're very good at saying 'God Bless You' when someone sneezes! 

- Healthy little boy - you were 35" (66th percentile) and 27 lbs. 12 oz (46th percentile) at your 2 year check-up!  Had to get one shot, as usual you weren't a fan when the needle went into your leg, but as soon as the Band-Aid was on, you were fine!

We love you Benjamin!!!  Such great joy you bring into our lives!  Can't wait to see what the next year (and beyond) brings!!!!!!

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